golsun / DialogRPT

EMNLP 2020: "Dialogue Response Ranking Training with Large-Scale Human Feedback Data"
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conversational-ai dataset dialog dialog-datasets dialogpt gpt-2 human-feedback-data pretrained-models pytorch transformers

# DialogRPT: Dialog Ranking Pretrained Transformers [DialogRPT](https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.06978/) predicts human feedback (upvotes👍 or replies💬) of dialogue responses. It is a set of dialog response ranking models proposed by [Microsoft Research NLP Group](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/group/natural-language-processing/) trained on 100 + millions of human feedback data, accepted to appear at [EMNLP'20](https://2020.emnlp.org/). It can be used to improve existing dialog generation model (e.g., [DialoGPT](https://github.com/microsoft/DialoGPT)) by re-ranking the generated response candidates. This repo provides a PyTorch implementation and pretrained models. Quick links: * [Paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.06978/) * [Intro Talk](https://slideslive.com/38938970/dialogue-response-ranking-training-with-largescale-human-feedback-data) and [Slides](https://github.com/golsun/DialogRPT/blob/master/doc/DialogRPT-EMNLP.pdf) * Demo: [original](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1jQXzTYsgdZIQjJKrX4g3CP0_PGCeVU3C?usp=sharing) or [HuggingFace](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1cAtfkbhqsRsT59y3imjR1APw3MHDMkuV?usp=sharing) * [Dataset](https://dialogfeedback.github.io/data.html) We considered the following tasks and provided corresponding pretrained models. (Click 💾 to download original pytorch checkpoint for this repo, or click 🤗 to use HuggingFace model card) | Task | Description | Pretrained model | | :------------- | :----------- | :-----------: | | **Human feedback** | | | | `updown` | How likely the response gets the most upvotes? | [💾](https://xiagnlp2.blob.core.windows.net/dialogrpt/updown.pth) / [🤗](https://huggingface.co/microsoft/DialogRPT-updown?text=I+love+NLP%21+<%7Cendoftext%7C>+Me+too%21) | | `width`| How likely the response gets the most direct replies? | [💾](https://xiagnlp2.blob.core.windows.net/dialogrpt/width.pth) / [🤗](https://huggingface.co/microsoft/DialogRPT-width?text=I+love+NLP%21+<%7Cendoftext%7C>+Me+too%21) | | `depth`| How likely the response gets the longest follow-up thread? | [💾](https://xiagnlp2.blob.core.windows.net/dialogrpt/depth.pth) / [🤗](https://huggingface.co/microsoft/DialogRPT-depth?text=I+love+NLP%21+<%7Cendoftext%7C>+Me+too%21) | | **Human-like** (human vs fake) | | | | `human_vs_rand`| How relevant the response is for the given context? | [💾](https://xiagnlp2.blob.core.windows.net/dialogrpt/human_vs_rand.pth) / [🤗](https://huggingface.co/microsoft/DialogRPT-human-vs-rand?text=I+love+NLP%21+<%7Cendoftext%7C>+Me+too%21) | | `human_vs_machine`| How likely the response is human-written rather than machine-generated? | [💾](https://xiagnlp2.blob.core.windows.net/dialogrpt/human_vs_machine.pth) / [🤗](https://huggingface.co/microsoft/DialogRPT-human-vs-machine?text=I+love+NLP%21+<%7Cendoftext%7C>+Me+too%21) | ## Contents: * [Quick Start](#Quick-Start) * [Install](#Install), try [this demo](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1jQXzTYsgdZIQjJKrX4g3CP0_PGCeVU3C?usp=sharing), or use Hugging Face model card with this [demo](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1cAtfkbhqsRsT59y3imjR1APw3MHDMkuV?usp=sharing) * [Use rankers only](#Use-rankers-only): use DialogRPT as evalution metric * [Use generator + ranker](#Use-generator-+-ranker): improve generator by reranking hypotheses with DialogRPT * [Data](#Data) * [Training](#Training) * [Evaluation](#Evaluation) * [Human feedback prediction](#Human-feedback-prediction) * [Human-like classification](#Human-like-classification) * [Citation](#Citation) ## Quick Start ### Install **Option 1**: run locally ``` git clone https://github.com/golsun/DialogRPT cd DialogRPT conda create -n dialogrpt python=3.6 conda activate dialogrpt pip install -r requirements.txt ``` **Option 2**: run on Colab Notebook. You can either use [Demo (original)](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1jQXzTYsgdZIQjJKrX4g3CP0_PGCeVU3C?usp=sharing) or [Demo (HuggingFace)](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1cAtfkbhqsRsT59y3imjR1APw3MHDMkuV?usp=sharing) ### Use rankers only In the following example, the model predicts that, given the same context *"I love NLP!"*, response *"Here’s a free textbook (URL) in case anyone needs it."* is gets more upvotes than response *"Me too!"*. ```bash python src/score.py play -p=restore/updown.pth # # Context: I love NLP! # Response: Here’s a free textbook (URL) in case anyone needs it. # score = 0.613 # Context: I love NLP! # Response: Me too! # score = 0.111 ``` You can also play the ensemble model, which involves multiple models defined in its [config file](restore/ensemble.yml) (see this file for details). ```bash python src/main.py play -p=restore/ensemble.yml ``` To score a list of (context, response) pairs, please provide a input file (`--data`), which is tab-separated in format `context \t response0 \t response1 ...`. See example [input file](https://github.com/golsun/DialogRPT/blob/master/doc/toy.tsv) * Using a single ranker (see [expected output](https://github.com/golsun/DialogRPT/blob/master/doc/toy.tsv.updown.jsonl)) ```bash python src/score.py test --data=doc/toy.tsv -p=restore/updown.pth # downloading pretrained model to restore/updown.pth # 100% [....................] 1520029114 / 1520029114 # loading from restore/updown.pth # ranking doc/toy.tsv # totally processed 2 line, avg_hyp_score 0.264, top_hyp_score 0.409 # results saved to doc/toy.tsv.ranked.jsonl ``` * Using an ensemble model (see [expected output](https://github.com/golsun/DialogRPT/blob/master/doc/toy.tsv.ensemble.jsonl)) ```bash python src/score.py test --data=doc/toy.tsv -p=restore/ensemble.yml ``` Statistics of the scoring results can be shown with the following command, e.g. for `doc/toy.tsv.ensemble.jsonl` ```bash python src/score.py stats --data=doc/toy.tsv.ensemble.jsonl # |best |avg # ---------------------------------------- # _score |0.339 |0.206 # human_vs_rand |0.928 |0.861 # human_vs_machine |0.575 |0.525 # updown |0.409 |0.264 # depth |0.304 |0.153 # width |0.225 |0.114 # final |0.339 |0.206 # ---------------------------------------- # n_cxt: 2 # avg n_hyp per cxt: 2.50 ``` ### Use generator + ranker Dialog generation models can be improved by integrating with the response ranking models. For example, given the context *"Can we restart 2020?"*, DialoGPT may return the following responses by sampling decoding (or you can try beam search without `--sampling`). Some of them, e.g., *"Yes, we can."* has a high generation probability (`gen 0.496`), but less interesting (`ranker 0.302`). So the rankers will put in position lower than ones more likely to be upvoted, e.g. *"I think we should go back to the beginning, and start from the beginning."* which is relatively less likely to be generated (`gen 0.383`) but seems more interesting (`ranker 0.431`) ```bash python src/generation.py play -pg=restore/medium_ft.pkl -pr=restore/updown.pth --sampling # # Context: Can we restart 2020? # 0.431 gen 0.383 ranker 0.431 I think we should go back to the beginning, and start from the beginning. # 0.429 gen 0.227 ranker 0.429 I think I'll just sit here and wait for 2020 # 0.377 gen 0.249 ranker 0.377 Yeah, let's just start from the beginning # 0.323 gen 0.195 ranker 0.323 I think we should just give up and let the year just pass. # 0.304 gen 0.395 ranker 0.304 Yes. We can. # 0.302 gen 0.496 ranker 0.302 Yes, we can. # 0.283 gen 0.351 ranker 0.283 It's been a while since we've seen a good reboot. # 0.174 gen 0.306 ranker 0.174 I'm up for it # 0.168 gen 0.463 ranker 0.168 I'm down # 0.153 gen 0.328 ranker 0.153 I think so, yes. # ... ``` Similarly, you can use the [ensemble model](restore/ensemble.yml). ``` python src/generation.py -pg=restore/medium_ft.pkl -pr=restore/ensemble.yml ``` To generate from a list of contexts stored in a line-separated file, provide it with `--path_test` and use the command below: ``` python src/generation.py test --path_test=path/to/list/of/contexts -pg=restore/medium_ft.pkl -pr=restore/ensemble.yml ``` ## Data As the Pushshift Reddit dataset was deleted from [this server](https://files.pushshift.io/reddit), the data extraction pipeline of this release no longer works. As an alternative, you may want to use the Pushshift [API](https://github.com/pushshift/api). ## Training We use [DialoGPT](https://github.com/microsoft/DialoGPT) to initialize the model. Please download with ``` wget https://convaisharables.blob.core.windows.net/lsp/multiref/medium_ft.pkl -P restore ``` For the human feedback prediction tasks, we specify `min_score_gap` and `min_rank_gap` to only validate on less-noisy samples (not applied to training). ``` python src/main.py train --data=data/out/updown -p=restore/medium_ft.pkl --min_score_gap=20 --min_rank_gap=0.5 python src/main.py train --data=data/out/depth -p=restore/medium_ft.pkl --min_score_gap=4 --min_rank_gap=0.5 python src/main.py train --data=data/out/width -p=restore/medium_ft.pkl --min_score_gap=4 --min_rank_gap=0.5 ``` For `human_vs_rand` task, use the `--mismatch` flag to feed rand human response as negative examples. We can reuse previous dataset (e.g. `data/out/updown`). ``` python src/main.py train --data=data/out/updown -p=restore/medium_ft.pkl --mismatch ``` For `human_vs_machine` task, we build dataset by pair human response with a response generated by [DialoGPT](https://github.com/microsoft/DialoGPT) with topk decoding ``` python src/main.py train --data=data/out/human_vs_machine -p=restore/medium_ft.pkl ``` We trained all models on a Nvidia V100 4-core GPU (each core with 32G memory) with the following hyperparameters. Checkpoint with the best validation accuracy is used as final model. | Argument | Value | Description | | :------------- | :-----------: |:------------- | | `batch` | 256 | total batch size for all GPUs. | | `vali_size` | 1024 | number of samples used for validation (i.e. dev set size). | | `lr` | 3e-05 | learning rate | | `max_seq_len` | 50 | max allowed sequence length.
if longer, leading tokens will be truncated | | `max_hr_gap` | 1 | max allowed hour difference between positive and negative samples.
If longer, this pair will be discarded for train/vali| ## Evaluation ### Human feedback prediction The performance on `updown`, `depth`, and `width` can be measured with the following commands, respectively. The `--min_score_gap` and `--min_rank_gap` arguments are consistent with the values used to measure validation loss during training. ``` python src/score.py eval_human_feedback -p=restore/updown.pth --data=test/human_feedback/updown.tsv --min_score_gap=20 --min_rank_gap=0.5 python src/score.py eval_human_feedback -p=restore/depth.pth --data=test/human_feedback/depth.tsv --min_score_gap=4 --min_rank_gap=0.5 python src/score.py eval_human_feedback -p=restore/width.pth --data=test/human_feedback/width.tsv --min_score_gap=4 --min_rank_gap=0.5 ``` The expected pairwise accuracy on 5000 test samples is listed in the table below (from Table 5 of the [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.06978)). Note even by random guess one can get accuracy of 0.500. | human feedback | `updown` | `depth` | `width` | | :------------- | :------: |:------------: |:--------: | | Dialog ppl. | 0.488 | 0.508 | 0.513 | | Reverse dialog ppl. | 0.560 | 0.557 | 0.571 | | **DialogRPT** (ours)| **0.683** | **0.695** | **0.752** | ### Human-like classification * `human_vs_rand` task: Although the model is trained on `reddit` corpus only, we measured its **zero-shot** performance on several unseen corpora (`twitter`, `dailydialog` and `personachat`) ```bash python src/score.py eval_human_vs_rand -p=restore/human_vs_rand.pth --data=test/human_vs_fake/reddit python src/score.py eval_human_vs_rand -p=restore/human_vs_rand.pth --data=test/human_vs_fake/dailydialog python src/score.py eval_human_vs_rand -p=restore/human_vs_rand.pth --data=test/human_vs_fake/twitter python src/score.py eval_human_vs_rand -p=restore/human_vs_rand.pth --data=test/human_vs_fake/personachat ``` The expected `hits@k` metric on 5000 test samples is listed in the table below (from Table 7 of the [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.06978)). `hits@k` measures, for the same context, given `k` positive responses and `n` negative responses, how many positive responses are in top-`k` of the ranked responses. | `human_vs_rand` | `reddit` | `dailydialog` | `twitter` | `personachat` | | :------------- | :------: |:------------: |:--------: |:------------: | | BM25 | 0.309 | 0.182 | 0.178 | 0.117 | | Dialog ppl. | 0.560 | 0.176 | 0.107 | 0.108 | | Reverse dialog ppl. | 0.775 | 0.457 | 0.440 | 0.449 | | [ConveRT](https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.03688) | 0.760 | 0.380 | 0.439 | 0.197 | | **DialogRPT** (ours)| **0.886** | **0.621** | **0.548** | **0.479** | * `human_vs_machine` task: its performance is only evaluated for `reddit` corpus. ```bash python src/score.py --task=eval_human_vs_machine -p=restore/human_vs_machine.pth --data=test/human_vs_fake/reddit # expecting accuracy ~0.98 ``` ## Citation If you use our dataset or model, please cite our [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.06978) ``` @inproceedings{gao2020dialogrpt, title={Dialogue Response RankingTraining with Large-Scale Human Feedback Data}, author={Xiang Gao and Yizhe Zhang and Michel Galley and Chris Brockett and Bill Dolan}, year={2020}, booktitle={EMNLP} } ```