gonetz / GLideN64

A new generation, open-source graphics plugin for N64 emulators.
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Feature: new GUI #1213

Closed gonetz closed 7 years ago

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Aquatakat designed new nice GUI layout. Code is in https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64/tree/feature_new_gui feature branch.

WIP build: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2TGpsenpZeTVsWUU/view?usp=sharing

We need your feedback.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

I guess you compiled the debug build by mistake

No. Next WIP build can be debug too. Sometimes it is more convenient for me.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Heyy, the GUI is looking pretty damn awesome & professional.

I like it too. However, if you see some issues or have a suggestion, it is not late to correct the design.

ghost commented 7 years ago

To be honest I've never seen af and aa options with odd numbers... only with even numbers at the power of 2: off, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 (though on my nvidia cards with a normal installation, they are capped at 8x aa and 16x af)

oddMLan commented 7 years ago

I don't really see a difference between 3x and 4x same case with other non^2 numbers. 1x just breaks graphics with no AA whatsoever.

AA and Anisotropic should be power of 2 only. It's that way in all other emulator projects and software. Also the slider splits at power of two numbers.

Aquatakat commented 7 years ago

The slider currently has ticks at every 2x. Maybe every 2x is the best separation. I also couldn't tell the difference between 3 and 4.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

AA and Anisotropic should be power of 2 only.

GL does not specify that.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Current WIP (warning: debug build) . Some logic fixed: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2RC1MQVlzTkxPT0E/view?usp=sharing

AmbientMalice commented 7 years ago

So phong shading/per pixel lighting is more faithful to real N64 behavior?

gonetz commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure, what faithful means in given context. N64 games implements Gouraud shading. Most of other 3D games on all other platforms also use Gouraud shading. Phong shading used mostly by professional renders, like CADs.

Aquatakat commented 7 years ago

In this context faithful would mean most accurate. Maybe I should adjust the tooltip.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Most accurate by which criteria? Closest to original view - no. Most realistic with given model and set of lights - yes.

Aquatakat commented 7 years ago

Based on @AmbientMalice 's original sentence: faithful -> most accurate

So phong shading/per pixel lighting is most accurate to real N64 behavior?

Aquatakat commented 7 years ago

Or possibly "closest to real N64 behaviour."

AmbientMalice commented 7 years ago

"More accurate to the N64" strongly implies/flat out states that this mode more closely resembles a real N64's behavior.


It should probably just be worded as "Lighting will be smoother."

gonetz commented 7 years ago

So phong shading/per pixel lighting is most accurate to real N64 behavior?

No, because Phong shading gives different result. It should not be compared in that terms as "closest to real N64 behaviour." It is an improvement. As texture filtered with HQ filter is not closest to real N64 texture

gonetz commented 7 years ago

"More accurate to the N64" strongly implies/flat out states that this mode more closely resembles a real N64's behavior.

which is not true.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

"When checked, lighting is more accurate and realistic than with original N64 lighting method."

Aquatakat commented 7 years ago

Alright, how about this language? #1238

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Language is fixed, thanks! How about my suggestion: https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64/pull/1238#issuecomment-261473210 ?

Aquatakat commented 7 years ago

I'll put the tooltips back on each control/label. The only real reason I did it this way was so if there were any changes to the tooltips they only needed to be changed in one place rather than, for example, 6 (like on the sliders).

gonetz commented 7 years ago

I usually pick group of controls with mouse + Ctrl pressed, then with right mouse button select "change tooltip" to update tooltiop for all selected elements.

Aquatakat commented 7 years ago

Oh, I'll remember that if any need to be changed in the future.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Current WIP: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2WHI0cm1CSEc2SDg/view?usp=sharing

I have no more requests atm. @Aquatakat, great work! Thanks to all participants for help, criticism and advises.

Aquatakat commented 7 years ago

@gonetz I was reading some Qt documentation and I realised in a lot of spots where I just used a Layout to group controls I should have used a QFrame. You can apply a tooltip to a QFrame as well which makes more sense than applying the same tooltip to 6+ controls/labels. I'm going to change the form to use QFrames unless you know any reason why that might not be a good idea. I don't think any adjustment to the C++ will be necessary.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Ok, I have no objections.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Current WIP: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2R0FxVmRYa1kwNk0/view?usp=sharing

One issues left: If internal resolution is set to Original and then we disable FB emulation, 2D fixes remained disabled.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Current WIP: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2Zy1TNzFQblQwWkk/view?usp=sharing

Seems to be fully functional.

Aquatakat commented 7 years ago

With the new QFrame based signals some code might be redundant now. But everything is working properly ATM so it might be best to leave it alone - if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

If you see some code, which looks redundant - let me know. I'll clear it and test.

Aquatakat commented 7 years ago
void ConfigDialog::on_fbInfoDisableCheckBox_toggled(bool checked)

This behaviour may be fixed with the new signal to frameBufferOptionsFrame.

void ConfigDialog::on_nativeRes2D_checkBox_toggled(bool checked)

This behaviour may be fixed with the new signal to nativeRes2DFrame.

Inside ConfigDialog::on_frameBufferCheckBox_toggled:

    ui->readColorChunkCheckBox->setEnabled(checked && ui->fbInfoEnableCheckBox->isChecked());
    ui->readDepthChunkCheckBox->setEnabled(checked && ui->fbInfoEnableCheckBox->isChecked());

These may be fixed by the new signal to frameBufferOptionsFrame.

Also inside ConfigDialog::on_frameBufferCheckBox_toggled:

    const bool bCustomCropEnabled = checked && ui->cropImageComboBox->currentIndex() == Config::cmCustom;

I'm not sure but the signal sent to cropImageFrame might fix this.

Everything else looks OK.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

I tried to understand, how to replace on_toggled methods by signals, but failed. When I open edit signals/slots mode in QT Creator, I can't understand how you edit this mess?

Could you show, how to replace

void ConfigDialog::on_fbInfoDisableCheckBox_toggled(bool checked)

by a new signal to frameBufferOptionsFrame ?

Aquatakat commented 7 years ago

The behaviour in the preview is correct, and the preview doesn't use any of the C++, so therefore you should be able to remove those lines. The signals/slots that govern whether or not those checkboxes are checked are these:


First, this QFrame which contains all of the options on the frame buffer tab except for the checkbox is enabled/disabled. Controls within a QFrame seem to remember whether or not they're disabled when their containing QFrame is enabled/disabled.


These lines should directly replace the code you quoted, as long as fbInfoEnableCheckBox is toggled properly in the C++, which it is.

When I open edit signals/slots mode in QT Creator, I can't understand how you edit this mess?

It is a bit of a mess. It's not the best system. It makes more sense to edit signals/slots with the GUI editor if possible:


and if not I found it easier to just write the XML in the .ui file myself.

Keep in mind: a few revisions ago the signals and slots editor contained dozens of entries for every specific control the frame buffer checkbox enabled. It's much cleaner now.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Ok, thanks for explanation. I removed some code. No issues found. New binary: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2UE04UHU2SGtYaHc/view?usp=sharing

gonetz commented 7 years ago

I updated translation files: c050d22553

Most of text strings changed, so lots of translation work need to be done again. It would be great to have at least some translations ready before release.

Aquatakat commented 7 years ago

If you haven't received any translations yet I could provide comments/disambiguation texts if that would be helpful.


gonetz commented 7 years ago

I haven't received anything related to translations yet. I suppose, if somebody will start new translations, comments/disambiguation texts will be helpful.

Aquatakat commented 7 years ago

The fact that the GUI is basically done isn't really common knowledge, either. It might be worth it to re-advertise for translators as a new issue here and on the blog and possibly other places like emutalk.net.

It might even be time to show what the plugin can do on this repository's readme - I think possibly it's met and surpassed any HLE N64 video emulation to date.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Useful links: https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64/tree/feature_new_gui/translations https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64/wiki/Internationalization

gonetz commented 7 years ago

First translation is ready! IlDucci, thanks! spanish

Aquatakat commented 7 years ago

It looks really good! I'm super happy!

IlDucci commented 7 years ago

Thanks guys! A couple of notes here:

Aquatakat commented 7 years ago

It sounds like it might be time to take the plunge and merge feature_new_gui into master.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

New build - About dialog re-designed https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2VkszcFp2NnRoVWs/view?usp=sharing

Now it sounds like it is ready for master.

Aquatakat commented 7 years ago

I hope it goes smoothly.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

I will do it this weekend.

oddMLan commented 7 years ago

imagen Looks good, but I can't see the 32x32 icon to the left of "GLideN64"


gonetz commented 7 years ago

Me too :( It not shown in QTCreator also

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Something is wrong with Icon.ico. QTCreator can't open it.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

I tried to save Icon.ico with IrfanView, but resulted icon has black outline: about Help needed.

oddMLan commented 7 years ago

Icon format is correct with Windows-spec. It uses compressed PNG for bigger sizes, eg 128x128 and 256x256. Icon was saved using program especially designed for that purpose. Most likely QT doesn't support PNG compression. Since icon in the window title and taskbar is managed by Windows itself, it shows with no problems. Icon in the GUI it's displayed by QT, which cannot load the icon. Moreover, it seems that it's scaling down the icon from the full-sized version. I measured the dimensions in that screenshot and the icon shows as 34x34, which is an invalid icon size. My theory is that since a 34x34 icon doesn't exist in the file QT is trying to scale down the full-sized 256x256 PNG-compressed icon. Try to fix the size to see if it can read the 32x32 icon from the file.

Also are you using the current version of QT creator? @Aquatakat didn't have any error message AFAIK