gonetz / GLideN64

A new generation, open-source graphics plugin for N64 emulators.
754 stars 175 forks source link

WIP builds. #885

Closed phly95 closed 7 years ago

phly95 commented 8 years ago

On https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64/releases the last release was posted 8 months ago. Any plans to compile new releases there?

DerekTurtleRoe commented 8 years ago

@phly95 Not until another release. :laughing:

phly95 commented 8 years ago

What about a nightly release?

phly95 commented 8 years ago

Like dolphin

DerekTurtleRoe commented 8 years ago

@phly95 Well, I don't know if you know about this, but he has been posting test builds in the various issues on this GItHub repository. Those have newer changes and also contain fixes for various encountered issues. :smile:

As for nightlies or a buildbot or something, I would be all for it! I test the latest version whenever I can, so it would take a few steps out if I could just download the latest versions.

You can also check EmuCR.com in the meantime, if you are brave enough to try development builds. :fearful:

Nes-player4Life commented 8 years ago

@gonetz Please build a suitable release, for us donors at least. Thanks.

phly95 commented 8 years ago

Oh yeah, emucr is pretty awesome.

DerekTurtleRoe commented 8 years ago

@Nes-player4Life I keep forgetting some people donated for this to become a reality. We probably should do nightly builds, then.

@phly95 Well, you have to be careful sometimes. EmuCR doesn't always get every build correct. But I like to use it for quick tests and just to see new features and stuff.

gonetz commented 8 years ago

Last week master: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2RDgwUjJGZTVnRHM/view?usp=sharing

About plans: I have to fix issues with new features, fix open regressions issues. Then it can be marked as new release.

Nes-player4Life commented 8 years ago

Thanks gonetz!

Krutonium commented 8 years ago

@vgturtle127 It shouldn't be too hard to make AppVeyor do builds, and you can have it upload artifacts - @gonetz Would need to look into it though, afaik it's limited to owner/contributors.

DerekTurtleRoe commented 8 years ago

@PFCKrutonium Oh, can you download AppVeyor builds? I thought it just built them to make sure all the changes didn't cause issues...

gonetz commented 8 years ago

This week master: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2bjFlLWJuNk14S0E/view?usp=sharing

Krutonium commented 8 years ago

@vgturtle127 Indeed you can - OpenRCT2.org/Download in fact uses AppVeyor Artifacts (only ones from a merge though). (If you look around in there enough, all of the artifacts are there I think.)

DerekTurtleRoe commented 8 years ago

@PFCKrutonium Oh, cool! I did not know that. Maybe I should get some AppVeyor stuff setup in some of my repos, then.

gonetz commented 8 years ago

This week master: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2VkZ6ZnE0M0RQZTQ/view?usp=sharing

Nes-player4Life commented 8 years ago


gonetz commented 8 years ago

This week master: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2TTE0VzljR0Z6M3M/view?usp=sharing hotfix for custom window resolution: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2dDNpVExoNldMamM/view?usp=sharing

you welcome :)

nileplumb commented 8 years ago

Thanks gonetz! Had some issues with the emuCR builds on occasion not loading textures etc glad to see builds here now looking forward to next 'stable release'

DerekTurtleRoe commented 8 years ago

@gonetz Thanks! This is really speeding up my initial testing.

DonelBueno commented 8 years ago

Are you going to compile this week's master?

Thanks in advance.

gonetz commented 8 years ago


oddMLan commented 8 years ago

Now that you are on it, would you kindly upload your current GlideNUI.lib file so we can compile the releases ourselves without installing gigabytes of QT onto our systems? I have a 32GB SDD and don't ask me how I was able to install Visual Studio 2015 onto it, right now I only have around 3GB of free space left.

gonetz commented 8 years ago

This week master: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2VUpVbzlXSWYwTlk/view?usp=sharing

current GlideNUI.lib (MSVS 2013 release build): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2N3djUk9oSkdxTmM/view?usp=sharing

DerekTurtleRoe commented 8 years ago

@oddMLan I have a 120GB SSD and with Windows and all the applications I normally use installed I have similar issues. It's the main reason I don't have Visual Studio installed right now. :disappointed:

@gonetz Thanks so much for this!

gonetz commented 8 years ago

Master weekly: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2andkZUdlZVZNdDA/view?usp=sharing

gonetz commented 8 years ago

Current Master: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2UDgybzhtSFpua00/view?usp=sharing

Current GLideNUI.lib: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2dHEzbG5nU09wSUU/view?usp=sharing

gonetz commented 8 years ago

No master builds this week. Check this for something new: https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64/issues/970

oddMLan commented 8 years ago

Could you upload GLideNUI.lib for Visual Studio 2015? I can't use that one since Visual Studio 2015 complains about linking errors due to target mismatch since that one was compiled for Visual Studio 2013 :(

gonetz commented 8 years ago

No, I can't for the moment. QT does not support MSVS 2015 yet. I'd like to switch to MSVS 2015, but it is not that easy.

gonetz commented 8 years ago

This week master: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2SGdKaGFaNWs5N1k/view?usp=sharing

theboy181 commented 8 years ago

I have not been testing lately so I cant say that the latest build broke HW lighting or not, but I noticed that the flag in MK64 on the title screen is the incorrect color with this build. There are other issues in other games with it enabled as well. Im still testing with my ATI 295X2

gonetz commented 8 years ago

@theboy181 I'll check it, thanks.

gonetz commented 8 years ago

Tested, no issues with HW lighting found.

gonetz commented 8 years ago

Today fixes:

New build: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2OUpCM1FrRzlsOE0/view?usp=sharing

Nes-player4Life commented 8 years ago

Keep up the good work!

oddMLan commented 8 years ago

For those who want to compile the latest GLideN64 releases using Visual Studio 2015 without tearing your hair out

current GLideNUI.lib for MSVC 2015 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwIRb2FuDWQxMU9TQ2xXbWtZYlk/view?usp=sharing put under GLideN64\src\GLideNUI\release

updated libpng & zlib (required to compile GLideN64 with MSVC 2015 correctly) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwIRb2FuDWQxT0FYQVB0WlBhTHM/view?usp=sharing put under GLideN64\src\GLideNHQ\lib

kudos to @Cetacea3691 for their complete guide (#742) which allowed me to compile these libs by myself

gonetz commented 8 years ago

So, you managed to compile QT with MSVS 2015. Last time I checked QT sources, their did not include build profile for 2015. How you solved that problem?

oddMLan commented 8 years ago

I cloned the latest sources from their git repo at https://code.qt.io/qt/qt5.git and compiled them using nmake in the Developer prompt for Visual Studio 2015

cd C:\GLideN64\Qt5.6-win32-msvc2015-static configure -static -release -platform win32-msvc2015 -static-runtime -c++11 -qt-pcre -opengl desktop -no-angle -no-freetype -no-libpng -no-crt -opensource -nomake tools -nomake examples -nomake tests -mp y nmake *

Well, basically I just followed Cetacea's guide 😁

gonetz commented 8 years ago

-platform win32-msvc2015 will work only if that platform is supported.

Please open %QTDir%\qtbase\mkspecs folder and check, does it have win32-msvc2015 subfolder. If it does, please give me qmake.conf from it.

oddMLan commented 8 years ago

qtbase\mkspecs win32-msvc2015.zip

mkspecs\common common.zip

Also to compile Qt projects under MSVS 2015 it is a must to install Qt5Package, that replaces the Qt Add-in for Visual Studio, which does not support MSVS 2015 yet (it looks like it's been abandoned).

gonetz commented 8 years ago

I see, they made common config. Did you replace -MD and -MDd flags by -MT and -MTd before build?

oddMLan commented 8 years ago

No, I don't recall doing that. Does that create any issues? The plugin works perfectly without changing those flags.

gonetz commented 8 years ago

If you built other code with -MD, it will work ok, but result may not work on other systems. It is not a problem, if you not going to distribute your build.

DonelBueno commented 8 years ago

What about last week's build?

gonetz commented 8 years ago

I was busy last weekend. May be later. Or next week.

Nes-player4Life commented 8 years ago

Take your time Gonetz, RLCF (Real Life Comes First)

gonetz commented 8 years ago

This week master: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2VThaZGxjYi12Yzg/view?usp=sharing

Nes-player4Life commented 8 years ago

What do we have for release notes?

gonetz commented 8 years ago

Not so much. Check git logs

baptiste0602 commented 8 years ago

Hello Gonetz, Could you upload recent build ? thanks