gonetz / GLideN64

A new generation, open-source graphics plugin for N64 emulators.
754 stars 174 forks source link

WIP builds. #885

Closed phly95 closed 7 years ago

phly95 commented 8 years ago

On https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64/releases the last release was posted 8 months ago. Any plans to compile new releases there?

gonetz commented 8 years ago

Current master + software depth buffer render: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2WU1JdVgtM3FxdFU/view?usp=sharing

baptiste0602 commented 8 years ago


gonetz commented 8 years ago

Please test software depth buffer render. It is new functionality for GLideN64, problems are possible. You may run any game with it enabled. Games, where it is surely useful are Zeldas, PD, CBFD.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Thanks Gonetz!

gonetz commented 8 years ago

You welcome

AmbientMalice commented 8 years ago

@gonetz could you post a new version of software depth buffer GLideN64 with that depth buffer fix for Zelda? I'd like to do some more testing, especially with Snap, but mupen64plus doesn't run it properly.

gonetz commented 8 years ago

@AmbientMalice current build of software_depth_render branch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2OFdwaGg5RVBScXc/view?usp=sharing

ghost commented 8 years ago

So I was wondering, since these excellent packages only comes with the plugins for Mupen64Plus and Project64 and nothing else, is the GLideN64.custom.ini here on GitHub up to date?

Last change were 2 months ago which seems to be Pokémon Snap related and given the changes made to the plugin since then I can't help to feel my GLideN64.custom.ini that started out as version 3 or something in the beginning which is now up to 11 is out of date.

Had to delete some stuff in it that's not even used anymore I think? Like detectCFB=1 etc. I can't find that option anymore, neither in the GLideN64.ini or the settings through the emulator.

Anyone that have a updated version of the GLideN64.custom.ini file?

gonetz commented 8 years ago

I don't have time to keep GLideN64.custom.ini up to date. The thing I constantly forget to do about it is to remove ini version check for custom ini. I need to finish a few things to say: this is pre-release, it will not change much until release, lets polish everything.

ghost commented 8 years ago

OK, thanks for clarification! Plugin works great BTW, really like the progress.

gonetz commented 8 years ago

This week master: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2aW1GUHNSeTlGSkk/view?usp=sharing

theboy181 commented 8 years ago


hmm new release has new regression.. ;( (render textrects in native resolution)

Turing on Bloom breaks render textrects in native resolution too

theboy181 commented 7 years ago

Someone able to post an update for me ?

AmbientMalice commented 7 years ago

@gonetz Any chance of a new release? I'd like to test the fixed texture cache stuff.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Ok, current master: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2VEg4aTZvR09BbGc/view?usp=sharing

Nes-player4Life commented 7 years ago


DonelBueno commented 7 years ago

Could you upload the current master, please?

baptiste0602 commented 7 years ago

Latest master : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByOA3_oOu6O9TkxMMXkwWVRRTmc/view?usp=sharing

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Current master: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2elZELVRqT1FIMHM/view?usp=sharing

Current GLideNUI.lib: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2NmZQelpJbm5uM2c/view?usp=sharing

Nes-player4Life commented 7 years ago


AmbientMalice commented 7 years ago

Is anyone else getting huge performance dips in Perfect Dark in this most recent build? I need to test some older builds to be sure, though...

gonetz commented 7 years ago

PD runs as before for me.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Current master: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2dW5YYW5aNmpXNDQ/view?usp=sharing

gonetz commented 7 years ago

New build: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2LWtBUDVub00zLUU/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2a3ZOcmdEakhuc00/view?usp=sharing

New feature added: crop image. Enable it to remove black boarders around image. Set Crop to Auto and Aspect to Adjust, run Wave Race or AeroGauge in full screen mode... Note: crop applied only to black boarders from frame buffer. Boarders created by Video Interface will not be removed.

theboy181 commented 7 years ago


Mario Golf has regression where character is missing now.. ;(

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Yes, I made a stupid typo, which broke Mario Golf. It will be fixed soon.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Updated: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2a3ZOcmdEakhuc00/view?usp=sharing

jaburgeson commented 7 years ago

Seems there is a regression in the current builds with Episode 1 racer.

Intro flickers and the game shows a black screen.

This only happens with frame buffer emulation turned on. If it is disabled, the game works correctly. It used to work with frame buffer emulation turned on.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Recent changes make possible all kind of regressions. I'll check Episode 1 racer, thanks.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Current master+crop feature: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2Q1JPTTZrWHI4dVk/view?usp=sharing

Fixed most of regression bugs.

shinra358 commented 7 years ago

On auto (or on custom), in DK64, you can still see the border but it is flckering in and out rapidly. On other games, the flickering on the whole screen is light.

Also, would like to do each side independantly like reshade or stand alone nestopia just in case there are games where borders are on one side but not the other.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Lets discuss crop feature in corresponding thread: https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64/issues/805

olivieryuyu commented 7 years ago

can i get the last master version please?

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Current master + crop feature + OSD feature: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2RHJmU0ZHdVhQUTA/view?usp=sharing

OSD: i made 3 counters: FPS, VI/S, percent. User may select any or all of them. Counters displayed in a user defined corner of the screen. Currently supported only by mupen64plus build.

AmbientMalice commented 7 years ago

Gonetz, could you upload a new build with the depth buffer fixes for testing? I can only build for mupen64plus, and I want to test Snap.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Update: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2UE9JYlBqVzVfeDg/view?usp=sharing

Tasosgemah commented 7 years ago

Thanks for keeping us updated.

Nes-player4Life commented 7 years ago


gonetz commented 7 years ago

Today master: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2bTlRQTFhR1BHQm8/view?usp=sharing

ghost commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your job! But since I'm a totally noob about plugins, can anyone tell me if I need to replace the 1.2 dll with the week's master and place all those files in the Plugin's folder or I can just paste the current dll in that folder, with no other files at all?

gonetz commented 7 years ago

@ThallesAps you may just can just paste the current dll in the Plugins folder. The plugin will reset settings to defaults on the first run, so you may want to set them again, at least resolutions.

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Today master: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2cHd3bFg3M2RnYlE/view?usp=sharing

lKomus commented 7 years ago

Could you compile the latest master to test the Mischief Makers textures fix please? (I don't know how to compile it myself)

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Sure. Today master: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2ZmVtdHdSbFNDZDA/view?usp=sharing

Tasosgemah commented 7 years ago

Thanks again Gonez!

Btw, i never notice any problems with Mischief Makers prior to this master.

Gosafer commented 7 years ago

Greetings. I was trying out the last master posted here (the compiled one) and it's not working for me. I'm using PJ64 2.3 and I did put the 2 files into the GFX plugin folder and the emulator detected the plugin but, whenever I try to start a game with it, the emulator crashes for no reason. The plugin settings seem to work correctly. Maybe I have to change something there?

I'm new to these things and I really want to give this plugin a try. Looking forward for some help.

lKomus commented 7 years ago

Is there a log file in the folder with Project64.exe and what plugins did you use?

Gosafer commented 7 years ago

Yes, there's a log file on the logs folder, but it is blank. I'm using the default PJ64 plugins: captura

EDIT: I've found a gliden64.log in my games folder. It says:

"N64 depth compare and depth based fog will not work without Image Textures support provided in OpenGL >= 4.3 or GLES >= 3.1" I found out my system's OpenGL is 1.1. So, if I am right, the reason it won't work is because my graphics card is too old.

lKomus commented 7 years ago

Could I ask for another master compile in order to test the new color clamp fix on Mischief Makers?

gonetz commented 7 years ago

Current master: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YqMPjGo3B2ZlZQd1FOSHE5aTQ/view?usp=sharing