gongaa / SlidingWindowDecoder

Sliding window with Guided Decimation Guessing Decoding for QLDPC codes.
MIT License
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Sliding Window with Guided Decimation Guessing (GDG) Decoding

This repo contains the source codes of the paper Toward Low-latency Iterative Decoding of QLDPC Codes Under Circuit-Level Noise.

You need to install Cython to compile the source codes as follows.

python setup.py build_ext --inplace


Directory Layout

├── include
│   └── bpgd.cpp              # base class for handling decimation, multi-thread GDG
├── bp_guessing_decoder.pyx   # single-thread GDG, it shares interface with the multi-thread version
├── osd_window.pyx            # OSD on shortened window PCM
├── codes_q.py                # code constructions
├── build_circuit.py          # build Stim circuit for BB codes
└── simulation.py             # simulation framework for data qubit noise