This repo contains adversarial image crafting algorithms implemented in
pure Tensorflow. The algorithms can be found in attacks folder. The
implementation adheres to the principle tensor-in, tensor-out. They all
return a Tensorflow operation which could be run through
Fast Gradient Method (FGM) basic/iterative
fgm(model, x, eps=0.01, epochs=1, sign=True, clip_min=0.0, clip_max=1.0)
If sign=True
, use gradient sign as noise, otherwise use gradient values
directly. Empirically gradient sign works better.
Fast Gradient Method with Target (FGMT)
fgmt(model, x, y=None, eps=0.01, epochs=1, sign=True, clip_min=0.0, clip_max=1.0):
The only difference from FGM is that this is a targeted attack, i.e., a
desired target can be provided. If y=None
, this implements the least-likely
class method.
Jacobian-based Saliency Map Approach (JSMA)
jsma(model, x, y, epochs=1, eps=1, clip_min=0, clip_max=1, score_fn=lambda t, o: t * tf.abs(o))
is the target label, could be an integer or a list. when epochs
is a
floating number in the range [0, 1]
, it denotes the maximum percentage
distortion allowed and epochs
is automatically deduced. k
denotes the
number of pixels to change at a time, should only be 1 or 2. score_fn
the function used to calculate the saliency score, default to be dt/dx * (-do/dx)
, could also be dt/dx - do/dx
deepfool(model, x, noise=False, eta=0.01, epochs=3, clip_min=0.0, clip_max=1.0, min_prob=0.0)
If noise
is True
, the return value is noise
, otherwise only xadv
returned. Note that in my implementation, the noise if calculated as
f/||w|| * w
instead of f/||w|| * w/||w||
, where ||w||
is the L2 norm.
It seems that ||w||
is so small such that noise will explode when adding it.
In the original author's implementation, they add a small value 1e-4 for
numeric stability, I guess we might have similar issue here. Anyway, this
factor does not change the direction of the noise, and in practice, the
adversarial noise is still subtle and hard to notice.
cw(model, x, y=None, eps=1.0, ord_=2, T=2,
optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1), alpha=0.9,
min_prob=0, clip=(0.0, 1.0)):
Note that CW is a bit different from the above gradient-based methods in that
it is an optimization-based attack. Thus, it returns a tuple, (train_op, xadv, noise)
. After running train_op
for desired epochs, run xadv
to get
the adversarial images. Please note that it is OPTIMIZATION-BASED method,
which means it is tricky. You probably need to search for the best parameter
configuration per image. Otherwise, you will NOT get the amazingly good
result reported in the paper. It took me a couple of days to realize that the
reason for my crappy adversarial images was not that my implementation was
wrong, but rather, my learning rate was too small!!
Notice that we have model
as the first parameter for every method. The
is a wrapper function to create the target model computation graph. The
first parameter has to be the input x
, other parameters may be added when
necessary, but they need to have default values.
def model(x, logits=False):
# x is the input to the network, usually a tensorflow placeholder
ybar = ... # get the prediction
logits_ = ... # get the logits before softmax
if logits:
return y, logits
return y
Implementation of each attacking method is self-contained, and depends only on TensorFlow. Copy the attacking method file to the same folder as your source code and import it.
The implementation should work on any framework that is compatible with Tensorflow. Examples are provided in examples folder, each example is self-contained.
Comparison of all implemented algorithms.
Fast gradient sign method adversarial on MNIST.
Fast gradient value method adversarial on MNIST.
DeepFool generate adversarial images.
CW L2 generates targeted attack on a random select image, with binary search
for the best eps
JSMA generates cross label adversarial on MNIST. Labels on the left are the true labels, labels on the bottom are predicted labels by the model.
JSMA generates cross label adversarial on MNIST, with difference as saliency
function, i.e., dt/dx - do/dx
JSMA generates adversarial images from blank images.
The list is outdated.
You are encouraged to cite this code if you use it for your work. See the above Zenodo DOI link.