gonzalo123 / gam-pivot

Pivot tables with PHP
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A class to pivot tables in PHP

Usage examples:

pivot on 'host'

$data = Pivot::factory($recordset) ->pivotOn(array('host')) ->addColumn(array('year', 'month'), array('users', 'clicks',)) ->fetch(); pivot on 'host' with totals

$data = Pivot::factory($recordset) ->pivotOn(array('host')) ->addColumn(array('year', 'month'), array('users', 'clicks',)) ->fullTotal() ->lineTotal() ->fetch(); pivot on 'host' and 'country'

$data = Pivot::factory($recordset) ->pivotOn(array('host', 'country')) ->addColumn(array('year', 'month'), array('users', 'clicks',)) ->fullTotal() ->pivotTotal() ->lineTotal() ->fetch(); pivot on 'host' and 'country' with calculated columms

$averageCbk = function($reg) { return round($reg['clicks']/$reg['users'],2); };

$data = Pivot::factory($recordset) ->pivotOn(array('host', 'country')) ->addColumn(array('year', 'month'), array('users', 'clicks', Pivot::callback('average', $averageCbk))) ->lineTotal() ->pivotTotal() ->fullTotal() ->typeMark() ->fetch(); pivot on ‘host’ and ‘country’ with group count

$data = Pivot::factory($recordset) ->pivotOn(array('host', 'country')) ->addColumn(array('year', 'month'), array('users', 'clicks', Pivot::count('count'))) ->fullTotal() ->pivotTotal() ->lineTotal() ->fetch(); The original recordset:

$recordset = array( array('host' => 1, 'country' => 'fr', 'year' => 2010, 'month' => 1, 'clicks' => 123, 'users' => 4), array('host' => 1, 'country' => 'fr', 'year' => 2010, 'month' => 2, 'clicks' => 134, 'users' => 5), array('host' => 1, 'country' => 'fr', 'year' => 2010, 'month' => 3, 'clicks' => 341, 'users' => 2), array('host' => 1, 'country' => 'es', 'year' => 2010, 'month' => 1, 'clicks' => 113, 'users' => 4), array('host' => 1, 'country' => 'es', 'year' => 2010, 'month' => 2, 'clicks' => 234, 'users' => 5), array('host' => 1, 'country' => 'es', 'year' => 2010, 'month' => 3, 'clicks' => 421, 'users' => 2), array('host' => 1, 'country' => 'es', 'year' => 2010, 'month' => 4, 'clicks' => 22, 'users' => 3), array('host' => 2, 'country' => 'es', 'year' => 2010, 'month' => 1, 'clicks' => 111, 'users' => 2), array('host' => 2, 'country' => 'es', 'year' => 2010, 'month' => 2, 'clicks' => 2, 'users' => 4), array('host' => 3, 'country' => 'es', 'year' => 2010, 'month' => 3, 'clicks' => 34, 'users' => 2), array('host' => 3, 'country' => 'es', 'year' => 2010, 'month' => 4, 'clicks' => 1, 'users' => 1), );