good-data-institute / d4g-cohort-2024-hackathon

The repository for Hackathon related information!
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:pill: Ersilia -- GDI Data for Good Hackathon :rocket:

The repository for Hackathon related information!

:pushpin: Table of Contents

:sunny: Overview

This repository contains the data and code for the Ersilia Hackathon. The goal of the hackathon is to use data to help Ersilia, a non-profit organization, better understand the needs of their clients and improve their services.

:calendar: Key Dates

:link: Key Links

:dart: Problem Statement


Ersilia is a nonprofit organisation focused on lowering the barrier to drug development by providing computational tools for open-source drug discovery. The organisation specialises in building and deploying hundreds of predictive models for target profiling, drug repurposing, and safety evaluations, focusing strongly on neglected tropical diseases that affect the global south.

The challenge is three-fold:

  1. GDI cohort volunteers will be involved in defining and developing ideas for “Impact Metrics” that Ersilia can use
  2. Automating the collection of said "impact metrics".
  3. Presenting the impact metrics in an innovative and novel way via a data product of your choice :muscle:.

Current approach deployed by Ersilia for impact reporting:

:bar_chart: Dataset

The datasets involved will include:

Internal spreadsheets detailing:

Externally available datasets are recommended to broaden the scope of the impact reporting, such as:

Workflows used by Ersilia to collect internal stats, for inspiration

:sparkles: Expectations

Suggested recommendation topics and ideas:

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Mid-point check in

  1. What have we achieved so far?
  2. What are the next steps?
  3. What questions do you have for Miquel and Dhanshree? -- We'll note down everyone's questions and have Miquel and Dhanshree answer them at the end :smile:
  4. What's been your biggest success so far?
  5. And biggest a challenge?

:trophy: Judging Criteria

Practical/Actionable Insights (40%)

Relevance to the given problem statement/understanding of client issues (40%)

Final Presentation (10%)

Creativity/Originality (10%)

:computer: GDI Hackathon: Format

The hackathon is an open-ended format - unlike a traditional GDI project with clearly defined scope and deliverables, in the Hackathon, we want you to flex your data-science muscles and show us what impact you’re able to have!

We find that everyone will approach the challenge in different ways. This is valuable for our charity partner(s) because we expect to effectively come up with four different solutions and four different perspectives.

In terms of tools, anything goes! We have found in hackathons that people take this in different directions because they have different skill sets. Some of you will have a business intelligence background and skills in dashboarding segmentation. Others will have come from more technical backgrounds and have skills in data engineering, modelling, cloud, etc. Use what makes the most sense to you and leverage your team's strengths!

The main source of news/announcements and other updates throughout the Hackathon will be via the GDI Slack Channel titled #hackathon_ersilia. If you have any questions feel free to shoot them in this Slack channel or directly reach out to Berta, Shakeel or Vivek.

This channel will be an open forum to bounce ideas around and ask questions (please don’t hold back!).

:busts_in_silhouette: Teams

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4
Captain Caitlin Westney (C) Pradeep Jones (C) Stephanie McDonald (C) Harshil Shah (C)
Members Kevin Beeson Tania Sadhani Tina Mu Helen Liang
Yashodhya Wijesinghe Ojas Pradhan Nam Hung Ngu Uesi Unasa
Sash Gowrieswaran Devika Prasad Callum Lee Olga Shabalina
Praneeth Saturi Zoren Liu James Baker Haley Hutchins
Victor Zhen Zhuang Ankita Singh Keshav Prasath Asaithambi Lara Najim
Mentor Shivanka Eleanor M Dave C Alistair W