goodluck1982 / SpaceGroupIrep

A mathematica package for irreducible representations of space group
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A mathematica package for irreducible representations of space group in BC convention. Here, "BC convention" means the convention used in the the famous book “The mathematical theory of symmetry in solids” by C. J. Bradley & A. P. Cracknell (called the BC book hereafter).


Please refer to the following paper for details of the code:

If you use this package in your research, please cite the above paper.

Capabilities of SpaceGroupIrep

In a word, the package SpaceGroupIrep is a database and tool set for IRs of space group in BC convention, and it is very useful for both study and research.



  pip3 install numpy PyCifRW spglib


Place the directory SpaceGroupIrep containing at least the four files, i.e. SpaceGroupIrep.wl, AbstractGroupData.wl, LittleGroupIrepData.wl, and, under any of the following paths:

where $InstallationDirectory is the installation directory of Mathematica (version ≥ 11.2), and $BaseDirectory and $UserBaseDirectory are the directories containing respectively systemwide and user-specific files loaded by Mathematica. The concrete values of $InstallationDirectory, $BaseDirectory, and $UserBaseDirectory can be obtained by running them in Mathematica because they are all built-in symbols.

Then one can use the package after running <<"SpaceGroupIrep`".

Tips: Use ?SpaceGroupIrep`* to obtain a list of all public functions and vairables in the package. And similarly, you can also use ?SpaceGroupIrep`*Rot* to obtain a list of all public functions and variables whose names contain "Rot".

The steps to obtain LG IRs using the getBandRep function

Choice one

  1. Use to generate a BC-standard POSCAR_6.vasp file from your_POSCAR: -f your_POSCAR -p 0.001 -o  # this step can be omitted if your_POSCAR is alread BC-standard
  2. Use POSCAR_6.vasp to do vasp energy-band calculation
  3. Use vasp2trace to calculate the trace.txt file
  4. Use readVasp2trace to get the trace data from the trace.txt file
  5. Use getBandRep to obtain the LGIRs from the trace data
    (* In mathematica after SpaceGroupIrep is loaded: *)
    rep1=getBandRep[sgno, BZtype, tr1];  (*sgno is the SG number, and refer to the paper for BZtype*)
    (* Then the LG IR data is stored in rep1["rep"] and can be shown for specific k point band bands: *)
    rep1["rep"][[4]]//TableForm[#,TableDepth->2]&  (*show the LG IRs at the 4th k point*)
    rep1["rep"][[1,3;;6]]//TableForm[#,TableDepth->2]&  (*show the LG IRs at the 1st k point and for energy levels from 3 to 6*)

Note (i): 1-3 are pre-SpaceGroupIrep steps and 4-5 are performed in SpaceGroupIrep.
Note (ii): By default, the number of energy bands for the trace data calculated by vasp2trace is NELECT (the papameter for the number of electrons in VASP). In the case without spin-orbit-coupling (SOC) this may output all bands since there usually exists NBANDS < NELECT due to the double degeneracy of spin. But in the case with SOC, there always be NELECT < NBANDS, which results in only occupied bands are calculated by vasp2trace. In fact, vasp2trace can be runned with an argument that specifys the number of bands. For example, if one want to calculate 80 bands, just run vasp2trace 80. If want to all bands are calculated, one can also give a large number which is larger than NBANDS, say, 10000, and just run vasp2trace 10000. If one doesn't want to specify the number of bands every time, two tiny changes have to made to the source code of vasp2trace:

     if(IE<=ne) then   ! changed nele to ne in the 30th line of wrtir.f90
!    IF(IE>nele) EXIT  ! delete or comment the 55th line of chrct.f90

Choice two

  1. Use any primitive cell to do vasp energy-band calculation (supercell is not supported)
  2. Use vasp2trace to calculate the trace.txt file
  3. Use readVasp2trace to get the trace data from the trace.txt file
  4. Use convTraceToBC or autoConvTraceToBC to convert the trace data to those conforming to the BC convention
  5. Use getBandRep to obtain the LG IRs from the converted trace data
    tr1=convTraceToBC[sgno, tr0, P, p, stdR]; (* OR *)
    tr1=autoConvTraceToBC[poscarFile, tr0]; (* this function depends on spglib *)
    rep1=getBandRep[sgno, BZtype, tr1]; 

    For the details of the arguments, please refer to the paper or run ?getBandRep, ?convTraceToBC, and ?autoConvTraceToBC for help.

Newly discovered typos in the BC book

In the supplementary material of the paper Comput. Phys. Commun. 265 , 107993 (2021) we list the typos found in the BC book. However, I found new typos in the BC book after the publication of the paper. They are listed here:
