goodwhale / AspirinShot

Painless App Store screenshots with SwiftUI, in Xcode
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Invalid semantic version not accepted by SPM #2

Closed KaiOelfke closed 12 months ago

KaiOelfke commented 12 months ago

If you want feedback in another channel please let me know. I tried to use it the first time. My app is modularized with SPM meaning there's almost no code in the app target. I'd instead add a module to my app "ScreenshotsFeature", which depends on AspirinShot.

But now my Package.swift won't resolve due to:

Invalid semantic version string '0.9'

In general SPM packages should use only semantic versioning as far as I know.

As a workaround I added branch: "main" as version. This also failed:

Bildschirmfoto 2023-09-08 um 09 14 56

But that was maybe some Xcode issue. I had to resolve dependencies again.

sowenjub commented 12 months ago

Hey @KaiOelfke, here is perfect, but you can reach out on x or mastodon too.

I had no idea about that, thanks. I just pushed a 0.9.1 version.

I'm not sure about the SSL error though. I don't have that problem on my end. The files are hosted on Cloudflare R2. Any chance proper semantic versioning fixed it?

KaiOelfke commented 12 months ago

No, this was Xcode for some reason failing to connect to Cloudflare or your server. I'd ignore that, if it doesn't happen again. I still have branch: "main" as workaround active. I'd have to change it to from: "0.9.1" in my Package.swift to use this fix.

sowenjub commented 12 months ago

Alright then. I'll close this for now. Thanks a lot!