goodwhale / AspirinShot

Painless App Store screenshots with SwiftUI, in Xcode
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ios ipados macos screenshots swiftui uikit watchos xcode

[!CAUTION] I decided to publish it instead of keeping it for myself, but I don't have time to do more than what's available. On the plus side, it's free (using the userID "betashots"). The downside is that it's pretty hard to get started. Using the StarterKit will help, as well as looking at the wiki. Good luck!


Create your App Store screenshots in SwiftUI:

Browsing the gallery of screenshots PNG output

AspirinShot is free while it is in beta, you can take all the time you need to create your screenshots with it. Once you're ready to export your screenshots without watermark, please shoot me an email to get a free license.

🚧 Beta Warning: The documentation is incomplete. Please bear with me while I update this page and the code documentation. 😅


I may build a gallery of "Made with AspirinShot" screenshots, so if you want to have your app featured, contact me!


The general idea is to use your app Views to compose your screenshots. You can provide these views custom data & environment objects, as well as ad-hoc assets. You will wrap your views in device bezels to make them look like screenshots, add text around, add subviews to zoom in on features, etc. Everything can be localized using .strings files.

The framework comes with a rich set of Environment variables (eg: ScreenshotFormat), Views (eg: ScreenshotView), ViewModifiers (eg: ProductBezelModifier) and Views for Previews (eg: ScreenshotPreviews) to help you design screenshots that look perfect in every size.

It also includes the most recent & commonly used product bezels, with all the pixels and points calculations already done for you.

🚀 Getting Started

import SwiftUI
import AspirinShot

extension Screenshot {
    static let first = Screenshot("First Screenshot")

struct FirstScreenshotView: View {
    // A lot is done for you automatically based on this, but you can access it
    // to adjust your design based on its `.platform` (iPhone, iPad…) or `.displaySize` or `.orientation`
    @Environment(\.screenshotFormat) private var screenshotFormat

    var body: some View {
        // Check the StarterKit for more templates
        // Play with .fit/.fill:
        // * .fill for a zoomed in effect, partial view
        // * .fit to see the entire view
        ScreenshotWithTitleView(position: .top(0.2), screenshot: .fit(0.95, .top)) {
                .overlay {
                    VStack {
                        Text("Hello", tableName: "AspirinShot")
                // Play with .fit/.fill: the best option depends on the device and its screen format
                .productBezel(scaledTo: .fit, statusBar: .black(on: .white))
        } title: {
            AutoResizableText("**You will love\nthis app**")
        } background: {
            // Use a gradient or a pattern
            SFPatternView(systemName: "star.fill", itemSize: 40)
        // Set environment values
        .environment(\.managedObjectContext, PersistenceController.screenshots.viewContext)
        .environment(\.isProUser, true)

    private var contentView: some View {

struct FirstScreenshotView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        ScreenshotPreviews(.first, in: "fr") {

// or using the macros

#Preview(traits: .sizeThatFitsLayout) {
    ScreenshotPreviews(.first, in: "fr") {

📚 For more details, helpers and templates to design your screenshots, see Designing your screenshots.

struct ScreenshotsASApp_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { AspirinShotPreview( screenshots: [.hero, .why, .how, .success], // All your Screenshot declarations userID: "yourUserId" // Only for export Ask me for a free access during beta ) { screenshot in switch screenshot { // Match each one to their view case .hero: HeroScreenshotView() case .why: WhyScreenshotView() case .how: HowScreenshotView() case .success: SuccessScreenshotView() default: EmptyView() } } } }


  * Launch the preview in `Live` mode and export your screenshots.
> 📚 For more ways to preview your screenshots, see [Previewing your screenshots](

For more details about building and previewing your screenshots, make sure you [visit the wiki]( And you can [start a discussion]( if you have any questions!

# Known limitations

There are certain limitations for technical reasons, and because the project is still in its infancy.

Check out the [know limitations and their workarounds](

# Origin Story

Back in 2022, as I transitioned from UIKit to SwiftUI, I made sure my iPhone app would also look good on an iPad.

But I never enabled the iPad, because I didn't want to do the screenshots in all sizes and languages… That's **how much I hated the process**.

I started dreaming about using SwiftUI to create my screenshots, but none of the solutions I found worked for me. Especially because I wanted to be able to compose views and not just take a screenshot and frame it.

I tried a couple times do to it, but I kept hitting roadblocks, until one day it worked.

What I avoided doing for a year for my own applications, I've started doing for strangers because the process has become so simple and familiar. That's AspirinShot.

## Why is it named AspirinShot?

It's a painkiller, and for App Store Screenshots.

App Store Screenshot > AS shot > AspirinShot

Copyright 2023 Goodwhale, EURL. All rights reserved.