google-business-communications / nodejs-businessmessages

Business Messages is a mobile conversational channel that combines entry points on Google Maps, Search, and brand websites to create rich, asynchronous messaging experiences. This library can be used to ease the development of Business Messages applications in NodeJS.
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Google's Business Messages: Node.js Client

Business Messages is a mobile conversational channel that combines entry points on Google Maps, Search, and brand websites to create rich, asynchronous messaging experiences.

This document contains an API reference, samples, and other resources useful to developing Node.js applications. For additional help developing Business Messages applications, in Node.js and other languages, see our Business Messages quickstart guide.


The documentation for the Business Messages API can be found here.


Before you begin

  1. Register with Business Messages.
  2. Once registered, follow the instructions to enable the APIs for your project.

Installing the client library

npm install businessmessages

Using the client library

// Get the Google Auth library
const {GoogleAuth} = require('google-auth-library');

// Get the BusinessMessages client library
const businessmessages = require('businessmessages');

// Set the scope for API authentication
const auth = new GoogleAuth({
  scopes: '',

// Initialize the Business Messages client library
const bmApi =
  new businessmessages.businessmessages_v1.Businessmessages({});

// Global used for creating an authentication token for calling the API
let authClient = false;

 * Initializes the Google credentials for calling the
 * Business Messages API. This uses the default application credentials.
async function initCredentials() {
  authClient = await auth.getClient();

  // Initialize auth token
  await authClient.getAccessToken();

 * Posts a message of "Hello, World!" to the Business Messages API.
 * @param {string} conversationId The unique id for this user and agent.
async function sendResponse(conversationId) {
  if (!authClient) {
    await initCredentials();

  // Create the payload for sending a message of "Hello, World!"
  let apiParams = {
    auth: authClient,
    parent: 'conversations/' + conversationId,
    resource: {
      messageId: uuidv4(),
      representative: {
        representativeType: 'BOT',
      text: 'Hello, World!',

  // Call the message create function using the
  // Business Messages client library
    {auth: authClient}, (err, response) => {


Sample usage

Samples below assume a similar library initialization as shown in the Using the client library section.

Sending a text message

// Create the payload for sending a message of "Hello, World!"
let apiParams = {
  auth: authClient,
  parent: 'conversations/' + conversationId,
  resource: {
    messageId: uuidv4(),
    representative: {
      representativeType: 'BOT',
    text: 'Hello, World!',

// Call the message create function using the
// Business Messages client library
  {auth: authClient}, (err, response) => {

Sending a text message with suggested replies and actions

// Create the payload for sending a message of "Hello, World!" along with
// a suggested reply and two suggested actions
let apiParams = {
  auth: authClient,
  parent: 'conversations/' + conversationId,
  resource: {
    messageId: uuidv4(),
    representative: {
      representativeType: 'BOT',
    text: 'Hello, World!',
    suggestions: [
        reply: {
          text: 'Sample Chip',
          postbackData: 'sample_chip',
        action: {
          text: 'URL Action',
          postbackData: 'url_action',
          openUrlAction: {
            url: '',
        action: {
          text: 'Dial Action',
          postbackData: 'dial_action',
          dialAction: {
            phoneNumber: '+12223334444',

// Call the message create function using the
// Business Messages client library
  {auth: authClient}, (err, response) => {

Sending a rich card

// Create the payload for sending a rich card
let apiParams = {
  auth: authClient,
  parent: 'conversations/' + conversationId,
  resource: {
    messageId: uuidv4(),
    representative: {
      representativeType: 'BOT',
    richCard: {
      standaloneCard: {
        cardContent: {
          title: 'Business Messages!!!',
          description: 'This is an example rich card',
          media: {
            height: 'MEDIUM',
            contentInfo: {
              fileUrl: '',
              forceRefresh: false,
          suggestions: [
              reply: {
                text: 'Sample Chip',
                postbackData: 'sample_chip',

// Call the message create function using the
// Business Messages client library
  {auth: authClient}, (err, response) => {

Sending a carousel

// Create the payload for sending a carousel
let apiParams = {
  auth: authClient,
  parent: 'conversations/' + conversationId,
  resource: {
    messageId: uuidv4(),
    representative: {
      representativeType: 'BOT',
    richCard: {
      carouselCard: {
        cardWidth: 'MEDIUM',
        cardContents: [
            title: 'Card #1',
            description: 'The description for card #1',
            suggestions: [
                reply: {
                  text: 'Card #1',
                  postbackData: 'card_1'
            media: {
              height: 'MEDIUM',
              contentInfo: {
                fileUrl: '',
                forceRefresh: 'false',
            title: 'Card #2',
            description: 'The description for card #2',
            suggestions: [
                reply: {
                  text: 'Card #2',
                  postbackData: 'card_2'
            media: {
              height: 'MEDIUM',
              contentInfo: {
                fileUrl: '',
                forceRefresh: 'false',

// Call the message create function using the
// Business Messages client library
  {auth: authClient}, (err, response) => {


See the code examples to see example usage for most API features. The samples' has instructions for running the samples.

Sample Source Code
Echo Bot source code
Book Appointment Bot source code


This library follows Semantic Versioning.

This library is considered to be General Availability (GA). This means it is stable; the code surface will not change in backwards-incompatible ways unless absolutely necessary (e.g. because of critical security issues) or with an extensive deprecation period. Issues and requests against GA libraries are addressed with the highest priority.


Contributions welcome! See the Contributing Guide.


Apache Version 2.0