google-research-datasets / RxR

Room-across-Room (RxR) is a large-scale, multilingual dataset for Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) in Matterport3D environments. It contains 126k navigation instructions in English, Hindi and Telugu, and 126k navigation following demonstrations. Both annotation types include dense spatiotemporal alignments between the text and the visual perceptions of the annotators
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Room-Across-Room (RxR) Dataset

Room-Across-Room (RxR) is a multilingual dataset for Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) for Matterport3D environments. In contrast to related datasets such as Room-to-Room (R2R), RxR is 10x larger, multilingual (English, Hindi and Telugu), with longer and more variable paths, and it includes and fine-grained visual groundings that relate each word to pixels/surfaces in the environment.


RxR is released as gzipped JSON Lines and numpy archives, and has four components: guide annotations, follower annotations, pose traces, and text features. The guide annotations alone are akin to R2R and sufficient to run the standard VLN setup.


The RxR dataset is described in Room-Across-Room: Multilingual Vision-and-Language Navigation with Dense Spatiotemporal Grounding.


  title={{Room-Across-Room}: Multilingual Vision-and-Language Navigation with Dense Spatiotemporal Grounding},
  author={Alexander Ku and Peter Anderson and Roma Patel and Eugene Ie and Jason Baldridge},
  booktitle={Conference on Empirical Methods for Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)},

Dataset Download

To download the full 161GB dataset (guide annotations, follower annotations, pose traces, text features, grounded landmarks, and model-generated instructions), install the gsutil tool and run:

gsutil -m cp -R gs://rxr-data .

Using -m gsutil downloads using multi-threading and multi-processing, using a number of threads and processors determined by the parallel_thread_count and parallel_process_count values set in the boto configuration file. You might want to experiment with these values for the fastest download.

Alternatively, see the instructions below for downloading separate components of the dataset.

Downloading Guide Annotations

Each JSON Lines entry contains a guide annotation for a path in the environment.

Data schema:

{'split': str,
 'instruction_id': int,
 'annotator_id': int,
 'language': str,
 'path_id': int,
 'scan': str,
 'path': Sequence[str],
 'heading': float,
 'instruction': str,
 'timed_instruction': Sequence[Mapping[str, Union[str, float]]],
 'edit_distance': float}

Field descriptions:

Sample entry:

{'path_id': 11,
 'split': 'val_seen',
 'scan': '2n8kARJN3HM',
 'heading': 3.105381634905035,
 'path': ['d38a4c31821c48ac9082d896e628c128',
 'instruction_id': 26,
 'annotator_id': 19,
 'language': 'en-IN',
 'instruction': 'Okay, now you are in a room facing towards two bathtubs, one on the right side ...',
 'timed_instruction': [{'start_time': 0.4, 'word': 'Okay,', 'end_time': 1.0}, ...],
 'edit_distance': 0.11137440758293839}

Guide annotations can be downloaded from these links:

Downloading Follower Annotations

Each JSON Lines entry contains a follower annotation for an instruction in the guide annotations.

Data schema:

{'demonstration_id': int,
 'instruction_id': int,
 'annotator_id': int,
 'path': Sequence[str],
 'metrics': {'ne': float,
  'sr': float,
  'spl': float,
  'dtw': float,
  'ndtw': float,
  'sdtw': float}}

Field descriptions:

Sample entry:

{'demonstration_id': 26,
 'instruction_id': 26,
 'annotator_id': 43,
 'path': ['d38a4c31821c48ac9082d896e628c128',
 'metrics': {'ne': 0,
  'sr': 1.0,
  'spl': 0.9479355350139731,
  'dtw': 1.5461700564297585,
  'ndtw': 0.9020566069282614,
  'sdtw': 0.9020566069282614}}

Follower annotations can be downloaded from these links:

Extended Dataset

The extended RxR dataset is substantially larger and comprised of many small files. Therefore, we recommend installing the gsutil tool to copy the dataset in parallel. Individual download via URL is also an option.

Downloading Pose Traces

Guide and follower annotations are paired with their corresponding pose traces: a sequence of snapshots that capture the annotator's virtual camera pose and field-of-view. The naming convention for these files is {instruction_id:06}_guide_pose_trace.npz for guide annotations and {demonstration_id:06}_follower_pose_trace.npz for follower annotations.

Data schema:

{'pano': (np.str, [n, 1]),
 'time': (np.float32, [n, 1]),
 'audio_time': (np.float32, [n, 1]),
 'extrinsic_matrix': (np.float32, [n, 16]),
 'intrinsic_matrix': (np.float32, [n, 16]),
 'image_mask': (np.bool, [k, 128, 256]),
 'text_masks': (np.bool, [k, m]),
 'feature_weights': (np.float32, [k, 36])}

Where n is the number of snapshots, k is the number of panoramic viewpoints in the associated path, and m is the number of BERT SubWord in the tokenized instructions.

Field descriptions:

Note that image_mask, text_mask, and feature_weights are provided solely for convenience, as they can be generated from the other pose trace fields and the timed_instruction.

Download command (downloads 18.6GB):

gsutil -m cp -R gs://rxr-data/pose_traces .

Individual pose traces can be downloaded via URL:{split}/{instruction_id:06}_guide_pose_trace.npz{split}/{demonstration_id:06}_follower_pose_trace.npz

Where split is one of rxr_train, rxr_val_seen, rxr_val_unseen.

Downloading BERT Text Features

Multilingual Cased BERT features for the instructions, and cross-translations thereof, are provided solely for convenience. Cross-translations (e.g., en -> hi, te) are generated via the Google Cloud Translation API and are included as well.

Data schema:

{'tokens': (np.str, [m, 1]), 'features': (np.float32, [m, 768])}

Where m is the number of BERT SubWord in the tokenized instructions.

Field descriptions:

Download command (downloads 142.5GB):

gsutil -m cp -R gs://rxr-data/text_features .

Individual text features can be downloaded via URL: *{split}/{instruction_id:06}_{language}_text_features.npz

Where split is one of: rxr_train, rxr_val_seen, rxr_val_unseen; and language is one of: en, hi, te.

Downloading Grounded Landmark Data

We include a dataset of 1.1m grounded landmarks annotated on top of RxR instructions using weak supervision from text parsers, RxR's pose traces, and a multilingual image-text encoder trained on 1.8b images.

For details check the marky-mT5 subdirectory.

Downloading Model-Generated Instructions for Data Augmentation

We include an additional dataset of 1m model-generated navigation instructions describing additional paths sampled from training environments.

For details check the marky-mT5 subdirectory.


To visualize examples of RxR instructions and pose traces, code is provided in the visualizations subdirectory.

Test Server and Leaderboard

To benchmark progress on the dataset, we have launched two competitions with public leaderboards. See the links for details:


Contact us

If you have a technical question regarding the dataset or publication, please create an issue in this repository. This is the fastest way to reach us.

If you would like to share feedback or report concerns, please email us at


The Matterport3D dataset is governed by the Matterport3D Terms of Use. RxR annotations are released under the CC-BY license.