This audio editor runs in a web browser and uses the Web Audio API. Chi made some efforts to embed it within a web view and make it an Android app, but halted after facing memory issues.
This project uses Google Closure, which encompasses a javascript compiler, library, Google Stylesheets (GSS - which lets us compile CSS), and soy templates (for structuring pieces of HTML). Closure standardizes javascript. For instance, it introduces private/protected variables, normal (non-prototypical) inheritance like java, and compile-time error checking.
This is not an official Google product. Chi just thought that the Chrome Web Store needed a nimble audio editing tool, both before and after Android apps can run on Chromebooks.
Give Google Closure build tools relevant execute permissions:
chmod a+x third_party/closure_library/closure/bin/build/
chmod a+x third_party/closure_library/closure/bin/build/
chmod a+x third_party/closure_templates/SoyToJsSrcCompiler.jar
chmod a+x third_party/closure_stylesheets/closure-stylesheets-20111230.jar
The project uses a python script ( for building, which is kind of simple. We're open to using more robust build systems such as bazel or gulp.
Some uses:
Compile the javascript (including soy templates) and CSS, which is outputted into the build directory:
Lint the javascript. In other words, find style violations:
python lint
To run the editor, start up a web server in the home repository directory. For example, in the repository directory, run
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
to start a local server on port 8000.
You can then view the compiled editor at http://localhost:8000/build/compiled.html
You can view the uncompiled editor at http://localhost:8000/build/uncompiled.html
While developing, you don't have to recompile to view changes in the uncompiled version. However, you have to recompile to see changes if you made changes to the dependency graph (altered calls to goog.require), made any stylesheet changes (changes to GSS files), or altered soy templates (which generate javascript files upon template compilation).
This project currently uses Google's javascript style guide.
To help check for style throughout the project, run python lint
in the home audio-cat directory.
Source code is located in the src
contains hand-written source code.src/js/auto_generated
contains javascript generated by tools such as the soy template compiler, which compiles .soy
files into javascript classes.src/js/test
contains code related to testing. When coding a complex object like a volume envelope, it helps to write the test first and then code up a class that adheres to the test.Soon, each folder will have a README describing its contents. Each javascript file also contains a block comment describing it. TODO(chihuahua): uh... do that. write those readmes.
In broad strokes, this project's javascript classes fall into 5 categories:
This folder contains files that maintain the state of individual audio projects.
For instance, audioCat.state.Track
maintains information about the sections within
a track. audioCat.state.Section
contains information about an individual section.
encapsulates information about an individual clip within a section.
Classes in this folder typically dispatch events when their states change, notifying other entities such as audio-play-related and UI entities of changes in state.
For instance, when a new track is added, the audioCat.state.TrackManager
fires an event
notifying the audio graph to play the track as well as the UI (audioCat.ui.TrackListingManager
to visualize the track.
This folder contains classes related to playing audio and hooking up with the
Web Audio API. For instance,
maintains the
current play status.
maintains the connections
between junctions in the audio graph.
Files in this directory heed events dispatched by entities within src/js/original/state
as well as fires its own events for the UI to listen to. For instance, when
playing starts, the UI responds by switching the play icon to a pause icon.
This folder contains files that updates the UI. Classes in this folder typically encapsulate state and audio play. When the user interacts with the UI, classes in this folder directly modify the state objects. The state then fires events that update the UI.
The files in this directory hook up the whole app together. app.js
for instance
is a megamoth file that instantiates the whole app.
This folder contains Action
objects that perform a certain action. Each action object can be retreived from the ActionManager
by a specific key. We can invoke actions based on various interactions.
This folder is a collection of convenience classes that are used throughout the
project. For instance, audioCat.utility.IdGenerator
generates IDs unique
throughout the application used by many types of objects.
This folder contains code that allows the editor to be embedded within an Android web view. Efforts towards making a mobile app were abandoned after the decision to keep the editor a web app. This folder is basically a noop.
Unit tests currently use Google Closure's junit library. To add a unit test,
to aggregate all tests into auto_generated/all_tests.js
.Unit tests for certain javascript classes can be run by starting a web server in the home repository directory, again with say
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
and then visiting say (for port 8000 on localhost):
Click Start to run tests.
We currently lack integration tests with say web driver, Selenium, or Google Telemetry.