TPM-JS lets you experiment with a software TPM device in your browser. It's an educational tool that teaches you how to use a TPM device to secure your workflows. The codelab like sessions cover topics such as key generation, measured boot, remote attestation and sealing.
Welcome screen:
Keys codelab:
PCRs codelab:
TPM-JS includes the following libraries:
The libraries are compiled to WebAssembly, and accessed via Javascript.
Initialize git submodules:
git submodule update --init
Activate emsdk:
source {EMSDK PATH}/
Build TPM-JS:
mkdir bulid-web
cd build-web
emcmake cmake ..
make -j4
Run unit-tests:
make check
Alternatively, you can build the project using the provided Docker file.
One time initialization:
Then build using:
./ -j4
Add the line application/wasm wasm
to /etc/mime.types
Serve files from the built web package:
cd build-web/web
python3 -m http.server --bind 8000
This is not an official Google product (experimental or otherwise), it is just code that happens to be owned by Google.