google / upvote_py2

A multi-platform binary whitelisting solution
Apache License 2.0
452 stars 35 forks source link

Note: upvote_py2 is being archived

After thoughtful discussion, Upvote maintainers have decided to stop updating the Upvote codebase in Github, now named upvote_py2. The decision came down to our moving away from the App Engine Python 2 runtime. We have developed substantial new Python 3 code that would take more effort to port back to this environment than we can spend while focused on developing new features internally for Google.

To those still actively using Upvote: we are hopeful that someone else will take on the work of porting and maintaining a Python 3 version of Upvote to share with the community. If that happens we would be interested in contributing code and ideas from our internal version of Upvote. Development of Santa is not affected by this.

Social allowlisting works at Google. We hope it will continue to work for other organizations that need to scale allowlist management. We look forward to sharing ideas and improvements despite not having the resources at this time to support an external codebase.


Ben, on behalf of the Upvote team

Upvote Build Status

Upvote Icon

Upvote is a multi-platform binary whitelisting solution. It provides both a sync server and management interface for binary enforcement clients. Upvote currently supports Santa on macOS and Bit9 (now known as Carbon Black Protection) on Windows.



Voting page screenshot


See the docs page for full instructions.



We are current working hard to get Upvote ready for external contributions. However, at this time, we do not have the necessary approvals to do so.

In the meantime, please feel free to file GitHub issues or post in our Google Group, upvote-discuss, with any comments, bugs, or feature requests.


Core Contributors: Chief, Matthew

Special thanks to Danny, Haru, Maxim

And to the Santa team: Russell, Tom, Ed, Phillip


This is not an official Google product.