googlearchive / realtime-playground

Google Drive Realtime API Playground helps you to try out the features of the Realtime API
Apache License 2.0
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Google Drive Realtime API Playground

Google Drive Realtime API Playground Screenshot


Google Drive Realtime API Playground, is a web app that helps you to try out the features of the Google Drive Realtime API.

The Playground will take you through the steps required to have the Realtime API working on your application and can be used as a reference implementation of a Google Drive Realtime API application.

You can try out the Google Drive Realtime API Playground on its live instance.

Installation and Configuration

The project can run on any static web server, but we also provide required configuration and boilerplate files to host it on App Engine.

If you wish to host it in your own App Engine instance make sure you set the name of your App Engine application in /app.yaml. To create an App Engine instance follow the instructions on

Create a Google APIs project and Activate the Drive API

First, you need to activate the Drive API for your app. You can do it by configuring your API project in the Google APIs Console.

Setup your App information in the code

You should now have your Client ID and your App ID. In /components/elements/app-globals.html change the appId and the clientId properties in the utils hash.

Deploy, run that's it!


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