googlecreativelab / creatability-components

Web components for making creative tools more accessible.
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Creatability Accessible Web Components

Creatability is a set of experiments made in collaboration with creators and allies in the accessibility community. They explore how creative tools – drawing, music, and more – can be made more accessible using web and AI technology. We hope they inspire others to make new projects, so we've started open-sourcing components here for anyone to use. Note this repo is under development. Contributions welcome!

using input tracking


Copy the packaged file in dist/acc-components.js into your html file and you will receive the following HTML elements:


A simple example of including the library then supporting mouse/keyboard and body tracking inputs.

        <!-- webcomponents-loader loads polyfills only for browsers not supporting Shadow DOM -->
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>

            <acc-mouse-input amplification="10"></acc-mouse-input>
            <acc-pose-input smoothing="0.5" selected></acc-pose-input>

            const inputSelector = document.querySelector('acc-input-mode-select');

            // all of the input's events bubble up to the selector
            inputSelector.addEventListener('input', function onInput(event){
                const input =;
                // position mapped to the content's coordinate space
                // by default this is document.body, it can be set to any
                // element with inputSelector.contentElement = htmlElement;
                // or <acc-input-mode-select contentselector="#content">
                // exists on individual inputs as well
                const x = input.contentX;
                const y = input.contentY;

In pure JavaScript these elements behave like normal HTMLElement's:

const input = document.createElement('acc-pose-input');
//or use document.querySelector('acc-pose-input')

input.addEventListener('input', (event)=>{

//this triggers the loading and initialization of any resources

Input Event Cycle

All input types dispatch the following events:

Side Panel and Content

Quickly scaffold an application with a collapsable sidebar and content area that resizes accordingly and can display webcam when in use.

<acc-side-panel label="My Application">
        <acc-input-mode-select contentselector="#main-content">
            <acc-mouse-input amplification="10" enablekeyboard></acc-mouse-input>
            <acc-pose-input amplification="3" multiplier="1.01" smoothing="0.75" part="nose"></acc-pose-input>

<!-- mounted attribute tells the element to be fullscree minus side-panel width -->
<acc-content id="main-content" webcamopacity="0.25" grayscale mounted>


Snackbar is meant to be a temporary notification UI. Snackbar is ideal for ARIA Live Regions. To use as a Live Region YOU must add the aria-live attribute to the element directly in the HTML. When its message changes (or show() is invoked) it will display for its set duration in seconds. Typically there is only one per application, the code below is for demonstration purposes.

<acc-snackbar id="snackbar-1" duration="5" aria-live="polite" dismissable>
    <strong>Example 1</strong> will show for 5 seconds every time this content changes or until "DISMISS" is clicked

<acc-snackbar duration="0" aria-live="assertive" dismissable error>
    <strong>Example 2</strong> will show up indefinitely until "DISMISS" is clicked and will be styled boldly as an error alert.

<acc-snackbar aria-live="polite">
    <strong>Example 3</strong> will show up for 4 seconds every time its content changes.


    setTimeout(function() {
        // changing a snackbar's content will trigger it to show up again
        // and with aria-live it will be read by screen readers when changed
        const snack1 = document.querySelectorAll('#snackbar-1');
        snack1.innerHTML = `
            <img alt="A heart icon" src="" width="32">
            <div style="display: inline-block; transform: translate(0, -50%); padding-left: 8px;">
                <strong>Example 1 updated</strong> this changed message will get read by screen readers.
    }, 10000);



The tutorial element gives you a simple slide show. It extends AbstractModal so it can be added to the screen by adding an "open" attribute. Each of the <acc-slide> children will be rendered as a slide-show.

        alt="don't forget to add alt text for the video"
        caption="This experiment lets you combine speech and music in a fun way."></acc-slide>
        caption="Just type some words, then set them into your own melody."
        caption="You can change the melody using your mouse or keyboard."
        caption="Just play around – try different voices, scales, and more."


This is not an official Google product