googlefonts / gfregression

Test local fonts against fonts host on
Apache License 2.0
14 stars 10 forks source link

Google Fonts Regression Tester

Compare local font families against each other, or if a Google Fonts family, again the lastest release hosted on

Web version can be found here

GF Regression Screenshot

Warning: Error handling and better tests are needed. This webapp should not be treated as a God. It should be used in conjunction with good judgement.

"Measure twice, cut once" - English Proverb


Run from Docker

Create a new docker machine:

docker-machine create gf-regression

Run the machine:

docker-machine start gf-regression

Log into machine:

docker-machine env gf-regression
# Copy and paste the returned text in your shell.

Build and run the container using docker-compose. Make sure you are in the project's root directory.

python2 -m virtualenv venv
# Activate the virtualenv
docker-compose up

Find out where the app is listening:

docker-machine ls
# Copy the _bare_ IP address from the "URL" column and paste it into your browser, no port and no tcp://!

Run app directly

To run GF Regression locally, you'll need a Google Fonts API key. This must be stored in a json file located at /app/secrets.json with the following structure:
