googlefonts / rcjk-tools

Apache License 2.0
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Repository for secondary RoboCJK tools

...such as converters, compilers, testing and debugging tools.

Relates to the Robo-CJK tool:

Prototype implementation of the Variable Components proposal:


RoboCJK to VarC-VF workflow

To build a VarC-enable Variable font from a RoboCJK project, these steps need to be performed:

Export the RoboCJK project as a VarCo-UFO (variable component data is stored in glyph lib entries):

$ rcjk2ufo ProjectName.rcjk ProjectName.ufo -f TheFamilyName -s TheStyleName

Build the skeleton VF (the parts of the VarC-VF that are standard OT 1.8):

$ fontmake -m ProjectName.designspace -o variable

Add the VarC table:

$ buildvarc ProjectName.designspace variable_ttf/ProjectName-VF.ttf

To document