Disclaimer: “This is not an officially supported Google product”
Goal: Try Federated Averaging (simulations) for improving Neural Semantic Parsing.
This is a new intern project for Summer 2020.
Milestone 1
Timeline May 18, 2020 - May 29, 2020
- Implemented and trained a transformer-based model to match SOTA (without federation)
Milestone 2
Timeline June 1, 2020 - June 30, 2020
- Generate non-IID splits of ATIS and Snips dataset.
- Train a baseline federated model for both the non-IID splits and the IID-splits.
- Bridge the gap between the model trained with the IID and non-IId splits.
Milestone 3
Timeline July 1, 2020 - July 17, 2020
- Explore techniques to reduce the number of communication rounds required.
- Experiment with different number of local epochs and analyse the results.
- Use data augmentation techniques like template expansion to futher reduce communication rounds required.
- Explore the effect of adding NER annotation while training a Federated model.
- Results and analysis of these experiments can be found here
Milestone 4
Timeline July 20, 2020 - August 7, 2020
- Train a seq-to-seq pointer genrator network to generate annotations on the TOP dataset.
- Train a baseline federated model for both the non-IID splits and the IID-splits.
- Expore the effect of pre-training for Federated Learning on the TOP dataset.
- Quantify the personalization improvements of applying Federated Learning on the TOP dataset.
- Results and analysis of these experiments can be found here