googlemaps / ios-on-demand-rides-deliveries-samples

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On-Demand Rides and Deliveries iOS Samples

This repository contains source code for the following sample apps.

  1. The Driver SDK sample, available in two languages:
    • Swift: in swift/driver_swiftui directory.
    • Objective-C: in objectivec_samples/Driver directory.
  2. The Consumer SDK sample, available in two languages:
    • Swift: in swift/consumer_swiftui directory.
    • Objective-C: in objectivec_samples/Consumer directory.

Use the following guide to build and run a basic consumer and a driver app that uses these SDK samples. This will help you integrate your app with the On-demand Rides and Deliveries Solution backend services.

After completing this guide, you should have an app that can display an active trip, respond to trip updates, and handle trip errors.


This guide assumes you have done all of the following.

  1. Established a Cloud project service account with a project ID needed for running the sample apps.
  2. Set up Fleet Engine as described in Getting Started with Fleet Engine
  3. Set up the provider backend and have it running.
  4. Authenticated your service by visiting and setting up a git cookie.
  5. Installed CocoaPods on the development machine

    sudo gem install cocoapods

    Refer to the CocoaPods Getting Started guide for more details.

Get started

After you have met all prerequisites:

  1. Open a terminal and go to the directory containing the Podfile:

    cd <path-to-project>
  2. Run the pod install command. This installs the pods specified in the Podfile, along with any dependencies they have.

    pod install
  3. Close Xcode, and then open (double-click) your project's .xcworkspace file to launch Xcode. From this time onwards, you must use the .xcworkspace file to open the project, not the .xcodeproj file.

  4. Follow the Getting an API Key guide to add your Maps API key to your app.

    • For Swift, update mapsAPIKey in APIConstants.swift for both Consumer and Driver.

    • For Objective-C, update kMapsAPIKey in GRSCAPIConstants.m for the Consumer app and in GRSDAPIConstants.m for the Driver app.

  5. (Optional) Follow the Use API Keys with Location Selection API guide to add your Location Selection API key to your app.

    • For Swift, update locationSelectionAPIKey in APIConstants.swift for Consumer.

    • For Objective-C, update kLocationSelectionAPIKey in GRSCAPIConstants.m for the Consumer app.

  6. Add the Provider ID to your app. The Provider ID is the Project ID of the Google Cloud Project that contains the service account used to call the Fleet Engine APIs.

    • For Swift, update providerID in APIConstants.swift for both Consumer and Driver.

    • For Objective-C, update kProviderID in GRSCAPIConstants.m for the Consumer app and in GRSDAPIConstants.m for the Driver app.

Then the project should run normally.


As of version 3.3.0, these samples introduce the Driver SDK and Consumer SDKs compatibility together in a single app. This version also removes those public classes from the Driver SDK source code that are only used by the Consumer SDK. To use the removed classes in the Driver SDK sample apps, the app must include Consumer SDK v3.3.0+ as a dependency.

Note: As of version 3.3.0 onward, Driver SDK sample apps developed against the Driver & Consumer SDKs are compatible only with SDK versions 3.3.0 and higher. Correspondingly, Driver SDK sample apps updated prior to versions 3.3.0 can only work with Driver SDK version lower than 3.3.0.


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