If you are working on adding documentation to any of the markdown files simply add the documentation, create a branch and push. Make sure you pulled from main so you can have the most up to date changes before pushing.
In the ModuleRepo found Here You can take on or add tasks found in the projects tab.
When adding a task first create an New issue. Give a nice title and add a description about your issue. Be sure to not only state the problem but provide a solution if able. If the project is assessment related, go to the Modular Curriculum Assessments repo and link the project once found under FT07, FT08, or FT09. Use markdown syntax for adding links. If the project is a regular practice then provide a link from Modular Curriculum.
Once the issue has been documented, select the projects setting icon to the right and add it to the correct project board organized by week. Set the status as "Todo".
Select the project tab on the ModuleRepo and click on a project. There should be a Todo column where you can read about current issues. Drag the task over to In Progress and begin making your changes by following the curriculum guidelines.
Follow the Instruction x Curriculum Workflow on how to make contributions to curriculum. This will require you to clone the repo to your local machine. Best to create two folders to separately clone the repo into: Assessments and Practices. Make sure to clone from the staging branch. If assistance is needed here feel free to reach out to the Module Lead, Module Assistant, or Curriculum themselves.
Once the PR has been made to curriculum and you have assigned your curriculum member to review, move the task to the done column.