gopher-tunnels / gt-front-end

The front end of Gopher Tunnels, written in TypeScript React Native
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Gopher Tunnels Front-End

Welcome to the Front End repository for Gopher Tunnels


Core Technology Stack

Technology Description Use
React Native User Interface Framework Runtime
TypeScript Language Runtime
ExpressJS Core Framework Runtime
MySQL Storage


  1. Install NodeJS and Git

    • First install NodeJS and Node Package Manager (npm)
    • Install the lastest version of Git, Links: Windows, macOS
    • Log into Git inside your code editor (VSCode, VIM, etc.)
  2. Navigate to your desired folder location and run the command to clone the repository into your local machine

    git clone
  3. Then run the following command to install all dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Now git pull and check which branch you are on using the following command, it should show all branches with a * on main:

    git pull
    git branch


  5. Navigate to a branch other than main!

    git switch dev
    git pull
  6. Run the following command:

    npx expo

    You should see a QR code pop up along with a list of commands from Expo if you configured yourself correctly

  7. Congratulations, your environment is setup!