CMPE202: team-project-panthers-2
Team Name: Panthers
Project Name: Airline Reservation Application
Team Members:
- Monica Lakshmi Mandapati
- Vineet Reddy Govind
- Guruvardhan Reddy Rajanala
- Yasaswi Mandava
Summary of Contributions:
- Monica - Worked on developing UI frontend pages for Registration, Flight search & flight details pages and developed backend API to manage the Mileage Rewards points & cancel booking
- Vineeth - Worked on developing the UI pages for ticket details & payment pages and developed the backend API for the same
- Guruvardhan - Worked on developing the UI pages for seat booking & search results and developed the backend API for the same
- Yasaswi - Worked on developing the UI pages for Login & Profile pages and developed the backend API for the same
Scrum Meetings:
Every Monday
Team Project Journal:
Team Project board:
Team Google Sprint Task Sheet:
Sprint Task sheet and burndown charts included: \
Tools and Technologies Used: MERN Stack
- Frondend: ReactJS
- Backend: NodeJS, Express
- Database: MongoDB
- Cloud: AWS
Database Design(Models):
Architechture Diagram:
Design Decisions:
- Tech Stack: To implement the Airline application, our team met in the first scrum and discussed on what the tech stack has to be used and finalized on MERN stack and AWS.
- Database Design: In the fouth Scrum meeting we have discussed on what models and attributes to be used inorder to implement all the features proposed.
- Role level Access: Our team had different interpretations on how the roles should be developed and how they should be on the website, After having intense discussions, we finalized on just 2 roles : A User(Who can search, book, reserve seat, pay for the flight), An Employee (Who can view all the scheduled flights).
- Code Reusability: As most of the Components look similar, we thought of writing core components in such a way that we can reuse them in all places with little effort. We have developed more robust and common API’s for our backend and common components for frontend.
Feature Set:
- Can Register and Login to the Airline Application.
- Can search for flights by giving details of travel date, Start and Destination cities.
- Can book the selected flight and reserve tickets.
- Can pay for the booked ride.
- Can view the Itenary/Ticket details
- Can view the list of all booking made and can cancel the booking.
- Can view the Profile page with details like Mileage reward points, Gender, mobile and emailId
- Mileage reward points are managed based on the bookings made.
- Can Register as employee and login to the Airline Application.
- Can view the list of Scheduled flights.
- Can view the Profile Page.