gopinathsjsu / team-project-panthers-2

team-project-panthers-2 created by GitHub Classroom
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CMPE202: team-project-panthers-2

Team Name: Panthers

Project Name: Airline Reservation Application

Team Members:

  1. Monica Lakshmi Mandapati
  2. Vineet Reddy Govind
  3. Guruvardhan Reddy Rajanala
  4. Yasaswi Mandava

Summary of Contributions:

Scrum Meetings:

Every Monday

Team Project Journal:

Team Project board:

Team Google Sprint Task Sheet:

Sprint Task sheet and burndown charts included: \

Tools and Technologies Used: MERN Stack

  1. Frondend: ReactJS
  2. Backend: NodeJS, Express
  3. Database: MongoDB
  4. Cloud: AWS

Database Design(Models):


Architechture Diagram:


Design Decisions:

Feature Set:


  1. Can Register and Login to the Airline Application.
  2. Can search for flights by giving details of travel date, Start and Destination cities.
  3. Can book the selected flight and reserve tickets.
  4. Can pay for the booked ride.
  5. Can view the Itenary/Ticket details
  6. Can view the list of all booking made and can cancel the booking.
  7. Can view the Profile page with details like Mileage reward points, Gender, mobile and emailId
  8. Mileage reward points are managed based on the bookings made.


  1. Can Register as employee and login to the Airline Application.
  2. Can view the list of Scheduled flights.
  3. Can view the Profile Page.