gordonkoehn / LolliPop

Deconvolution for Wastewater Genomics
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bioconda package Docker container bio.tools Tests

LolliPop - a tool for Deconvolution for Wastewater Genomics

The LolliPop tool is part of the V-pipe workflow for analysing NGS data of short viral genomes.


Wastewater-based monitoring has become an increasingly important source of information on the spread of SARS-CoV-2 variants since clinical tests are declining and may eventually disappear.

LolliPop has been developed to improve wastewater-based genomic surveillance as the number of variants of concern increased and to account for shared mutations among variants. It relies on a kernel-based deconvolution, and leverages the time series nature of the samples. This approach enables to generate higher confidence relative abundance curves despite the very high noise and overdispersion present in wastewater samples.

It has been integrated in conjunction with COJAC into V-pipe, a workflow designed for the analysis of next generation sequencing (NGS) data from viral pathogens. These tools now form the basis of the SARS-CoV-2 wastewater genomic surveillance commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, a cornerstone of the COVID-19 pandemic surveillance in Switzerland. This surveillance covers daily samples at ten wastewater treatment plants across Switzerland from February 2021 onward, and delivers weekly updates of the variants relative abundance curves.



LolliPop provides several classes that can be used imported in Jupyter notebooks

from lollipop import *

See notebook WwSmoothingKernel.ipynb in directory preprint/

Command line

Here are the available command-line tools:

command purpose
lollipop generate-mutlist Generate the mutlist used when looking for variant using variant signatures
lollipop getmutations from-basecount Search a single sample for mutations and retrieve frequency from a TSV table of per-position base counts produced by V-pipe
lollipop deconvolute Run the deconvolution on a timeline of mutations

Use option -h / --help to see available command-line options:

$ lollipop  generate-mutlist --help
Usage: lollipop generate-mutlist [OPTIONS] VOC_YAML

  Generate the mutlist used when looking for variant using variant signatures

  -o, --output, --out TSV         Write results to this output TSV instead of
  -p, --out-pangovars, --output-variants-pangolin YAML
                                  Write a YAML mapping shortnames/columnnames
                                  to the Pangolineages (useful to make the
                                  'variants_pangolin' section of deconvolute's
                                  input configuration)
  -g, --genes GFF                 Add 'gene' column to table
  -d, --voc-dir PATH              Scan directory for additional voc YAML files
  -v, --verbose / -V, --no-verbose
                                  Verbose (dumps table on terminal)
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.
$ lollipop getmutations from-basecount --help  
Usage: lollipop getmutations from-basecount [OPTIONS] BASECOUNT  

  Search mutations and retrieve frequency from a TSV table produced by V-pipe

  -o, --outname, --output PATH    Filename of the final output table. If not
                                  provided, it defaults to
  -m, --muttable, --mutationtable PATH
                                  Mutations helper table
  -a, --based INTEGER             Are the positions in the tsv 0-based or
  Argument used for simple concatenation: 
                                  These options allows subsequently building
                                  simply by concatenation (using `xsv`, or
                                  even `tail` & `head`)
    -l, --location TEXT           Location of this sample
    -d, --date TEXT               Date of this sample
  Argument use for V-pipe integration: 
                                  These options help tracking output to the
                                  2-level samples structure used by V-pipe
    -s, --sample, --samplename TEXT
                                  'sample_name' as found in the first column
                                  of the V-pipe samples.tsv
    -b, --batch TEXT              'batch'/'date' as in the second column of
                                  the V-pipe samples.tsv
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.
$ lollipop deconvolute --help  
Usage: lollipop deconvolute [OPTIONS] TALLY_TSV

  Deconvolution for Wastewater Genomics

  -o, --output CSV                Write results to this output CSV instead of
  -C, --fmt-columns               Change output CSV format to one column per
                                  variant (normally, variants are each on a
                                  separate line)
  --out-json, --oj JSON           Also write a JSON results for upload to Cov-
                                  spectrum, etc.
  -c, --variants-config, --var YAML
                                  Variants configuration used during
                                  deconvolution  [required]
  --variants-dates, --vd YAML     Variants to scan per periods (as determined
                                  with cojac)
  -k, --deconv-config, --dec YAML
                                  Configuration of parameters for kernel
                                  deconvolution  [required]
  --filters YAML                  List of filters for removing problematic
                                  mutations from tally
  -l, --loc, --location, --wwtp, --catchment NAME
                                  Name(s) of location/wastewater treatment
                                  plant/catchment area to process
  -s, --seed SEED                 Seed the random generator
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.


Input data requirements

Analysis can be performed on virus samples sequenced with most tiled multiplexed PCRs amplification protocols. Having coverage across the whole genome of the virus increases the chance of some variant-specific mutations being picked up and increasing the confidence, even if dropouts are experienced on some other regions of the genome (e.g.: dropouts on the fragment carrying the binding domain).

Sampling dates are important information to keep track of because LolliPop leverages time series.

Mutations lists

Analysis will use variants description YAML that lists mutations to be searched -- the same YAMLs as used by COJAC. You can refer to COJAC's commands cojac sig-generate to help generate exhaustive lists from requests on Cov-Spectrum or TSV files of Covariants.org, or cojac phe2cojac to import ready-made manually-curated lists from YMLs available at PHE Genomic's Standardised Variant Definitions.

Generate a list of mutation to be searched:

lollipop generate-mutlist --output mutlist.tsv --out-pangovars variants_pangolin.yaml --genes Genes_NC_045512.2.GFF3 -- vocs/delta_mutations_full.yaml vocs/omicron_ba1_mutations_full.yaml vocs/omicron_ba2_mutations_full.yaml

Search mutations in a single sample

basecount table

By default, LolliPop searches the mutations into a basecount TSV, a table that gives per position coverage of each A, T, C, G bases and deletion. V-pipe generates such a TSV using smallgenomeutilities's command aln2basecnt, you can use it in your workflow when starting from alignments:

aln2basecnt --first 1 --basecnt sample1.basecnt.tsv.gz --coverage sample1.coverage.tsv.gz --name "sample1" sample1.bam

Then, search this TSV files for the mutations from the list generated above:

lollipop getmutations from-basecount --based 1 --output sample1.mut.tsv --location "main plant" --date "2023-02-27" -m mutlist.tsv -- sample1.basecnt.tsv.gz

VCF and coverage

(a future version of LolliPop will be extended to support VCFs and coverage TSV as a more standard input)

Combine the time series

Once the above step has been run on every single sample of the cohort, combine all individual samples into a single heatmap-like object tracking the mutation overtime across all samples. This can be done by concatenating all the per-sample mutations TSVs with a tool such as xsv:

xsv cat rows --output tallymut.tsv sample*.mut.tsv
  • If you have not tagged each individual sample with --location and --date, now it would be a good time to add extra columns to tallymut.tsv, e.g., with a join operation.
  • Note that this file can get quite huge. It is possible to compress it on the fly: … | xsv fmt --out-delimiter '\t' | gzip -o tallymut.tsv.gz

Run the deconvolution

The deconvolution can now be run on this table

Kernel deconvolution config

Various aspects of the kernel-based deconvolution can be set with a YAML file: type of kernel (box vs Gaussian) and its parameters (such as bandwidth), regressor used, using bootstrapping to generate confidence value, estimating confidence intervals with Wald, computing the estimates on a logit scale, etc.

Various presets are available in the presets/ subdirectory.

For example:

kernel: 'gaussian'
  bandwidth: 10

regressor: 'robust'

  min_tol: 1e-3

Variants configuration

This file controls the data set that the deconvolution runs on. At minimum, it should have a section mapping the short names back to full Pangolineages. This can be copied by the file generated with --out-pangovars on the first step (or that file reused as-is).

But this can also be used to optionally specify time limits (start_date and/or end_date), the subset of variants (variants_list) or locations (locations_list) to run deconvolution onto, variants column to delete (variants_not_reported) before processing any further, not considering the deletions (remove_deletions), etc. see example in config_preprint.yaml.

Variants dates

The deconvolution performs much better if only the variants known to be present in the mixture are considered. For longer-running experiment, it is therefore possible to specify, for different time periods, the list of variants to consider for deconvolution, based on their previous detection with a sensitive tool, e.g, such as determined running COJAC and looking for amplicons carrying mutations combinations which are exclusive for certain variants.

For example:

  - BA.1
  - BA.2
  - BA.4
  - BA.5
  - BA.2.75
  - BA.4
  - BA.5
  - BA.2.75
  - BQ.1.1
  - BA.4
  - BA.5
  - BA.2.75
  - BQ.1.1
  - XBB

see variants_dates_example.yaml.

Filters (optional)

Some mutations might be problematic and need to be taken out -- e.g. due to drop-outs in the multiplex PCR amplification, they do not show up in the data and this could be misinterpreted by LolliPop as proof of absence of a variant. This optional file contains a collection of filters. Each filter has a list of statements with the following syntax:

- <column> <op> <value>

Valid op are:

Any arbitrary column found in the input file can be used.

All statements of a filter are combined with a logical and and matching lines are removed from the tally table.

Filters are processed in the order found in the YAML file.

For example:

# filter to remove test samples
- sample ~ /^Test/

# filter to remove an amplicon that has drop-outs
  - proto v3
  - date > 2021-11-20
  - pos >= 22428
  - pos <= 22785

see example in filters_preprint.yaml.

Running it

lollipop deconvolution --output=deconvoluted.tsv --out-json=deconvoluted_upload.json --var=variants_conf.yaml --vd=variants_dates.yaml --dec=deconv_linear.yaml --seed=42 -- tallymut.tsv


The output is tabular:

location date variant proportion
main plant 2023-02-27 BA.4 0.000

Optionally, LolliPop can also package the results in a JSON structure, e.g., to be sent to online dashboards:

  "mainplant": {
    "BA.4": {
      "timeseriesSummary": [
          "date": "2023-02-27",
          "proportion": 0.000
          "date":  "
          … etc …

The repository cowwid contains real-world examples of downstream analysis of the output of LolliPop.


We recommend using bioconda software repositories for easy installation. You can find instructions to setup your bioconda environment at the following address:

Prebuilt package

LolliPop and its dependencies are all available in the bioconda repository. We strongly advise you to install this pre-built package for a hassle-free experience.

You can install lollipop in its own environment and activate it:

conda create -n lollipop lollipop
conda activate lollipop
# test it
lollipop --help

And to update it to the latest version, run:

# activate the environment if not already active:
conda activate lollipop
conda update lollipop

Or you can add it to the current environment (e.g.: in environment base):

conda install lollipop

Building and deploying yourself

within conda environment

If you want to install the software yourself, you can see the list of dependencies in conda_lollipop_env.yaml.

We recommend using conda to install them:

conda env create -f conda_lollipop_env.yaml
conda activate lollipop

Install lollipop using pip:

# install both the python module and the cli
pip install '.[cli]'
# (this will autodetect dependencies already installed by conda)

The command lollipop should now be accessible from your PATH

# activate the environment if not already active:
conda activate lollipop
lollipop --help

Remove conda environment

You can remove the conda environment if you do not need it any more:

# exit the lollipop environment first:
conda deactivate
conda env remove -n lollipop

Python poetry

LolliPop has its dependencies in a pyproject.toml managed with poetry and can be installed with it.

# If not installed system-wide: manually run poetry-dynamic-versioning
# (this sets the version string from the git currently cloned and checked out)

poetry install --extras "cli"

Upcoming features

Long term goal:


Package developers:

Corresponding author:


If you use this software in your research, please cite:


If you experience problems running the software: