gorilla-devs / GDLauncher-Carbon

GDLauncher Carbon is a simple, yet powerful Minecraft custom launcher with a strong focus on the user experience
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game launcher minecraft rust

GDLauncher (Carbon)

PRs Welcome Discord

🎮 What is GDLauncher

GDLauncher is a custom Minecraft launcher written from the ground up in rust and solidJS. Its main goal is to make it easy and enjoyable to manage different Minecraft versions, install modloaders, mods and modpacks from different platforms, bringing the playing and modding experience to the next level!

What happened to the old GDLauncher?

The old GDLauncher has been rewritten and officially discontinued. You can still find the old code in the legacy branch. You can read more here

Table of Content

Table of Contents (click to expand) - [GDLauncher (Carbon)](#gdlauncher-carbon) - [🎮 What is GDLauncher](#-what-is-gdlauncher) - [What happened to the old GDLauncher?](#what-happened-to-the-old-gdlauncher) - [Table of Content](#table-of-content) - [📥 Download](#-download) - [🎉 Join our community](#-join-our-community) - [🎁 Features](#-features) - [▶️ Development](#️-development) - [A quick note](#a-quick-note) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Pnpm](#pnpm) - [Install Dependencies](#install-dependencies) - [Run app in dev mode](#run-app-in-dev-mode) - [Generate DB migration](#generate-db-migration) - [🔍 Test](#-test) - [\ Lint](#-lint) - [\ Code Formatting](#-code-formatting) - [🚚 Production](#-production) - [🎓 License](#-license) - [™️ Trademark](#️-trademark) - [📜 History](#-history)

GDLauncher GDLauncher GDLauncher

📥 Download

GDLauncher is currently in alpha and is only available for download through our discord server. You can join our discord server by clicking the button below.

🎉 Join our community

Join our official GDLauncher discord server. There you'll find our community and friends to play with along with support for any issues you may have.

GDLauncher Discord Server

🎁 Features

▶️ Development

A quick note

To be able to develop on GDLauncher Carbon locally, you will need to request an API key to api-keys@gdlauncher.com. Please include your github username and a short description of what you are planning to do with the API key.


To contribute, please see the contributing guide.



At this point make sure you have pnpm installed:

npm install -g pnpm

Install Dependencies

pnpm i

Run app in dev mode

First of all you'll need to generate the prisma code and rspc bindings. To do that run

pnpm codegen

Now you can run the native core in watch mode

pnpm watch:core Note: Core module hot reload doesn't currently work on windows

Now open a new terminal and run the actual app

pnpm watch:app

Generate DB migration

To generate a new migration please run

pnpm prisma:migrate --name {migration_name}

Replace {migration_name} with the name of the migration you want to create.

🔍 Test

To run tests please run

pnpm test

</> Lint

To run lint please run

pnpm lint

</> Code Formatting

A .editorconfig is in the repo to normalize inconsistencies your editor may make when saving a file such as indentation and line endings. Make sure the plugin is installed for your editor.

🚚 Production

pnpm build:{win|mac|linux}-{x64|arm64}

🎓 License

GDLauncher and its logo are copyright © 2023 GorillaDevs Inc. All rights reserved.

The software in this repository is released under the Business Source License 1.1 (BSL 1.1) - see the LICENSE file for details

™️ Trademark

The GDLauncher name and logo are trademarks of GorillaDevs Inc. and may not be used without the express written permission of GorillaDevs Inc.

📜 History


Here you can find the previous versions of the code: