gorisanson / quoridor-ai

Quoridor AI based on Monte Carlo tree search
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ai mcts monte-carlo-tree-search quoridor quoridor-game

Quoridor AI based on Monte Carlo Tree Search

Quoridor is an abstract strategy game played on a board of 81 (9x9) square spaces where the objective is to get your pawn to the opposite side of the board.

This AI agent playing Quoridor is based on Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS). Pure MCTS resulted in a poor performance. The performance was significantly improved after applying some heuristics. I added heuristics to the selection, expansion and simulation phase of the tree search (and also to post processes after search). You can see some of them on the "Some Heuristics Included" section below. If you want to see all the heuristics or their implementation details, refer to the comments in the source code. (Find the word "heuristic".)

You can play against this AI on the website (or web app) https://gorisanson.github.io/quoridor-ai/.


The number of rollouts per move for each AI level on the website is following.

Level Rollouts per Move
Novice 2,500
Average 7,500
Good 20,000
Strong 60,000

Some Heuristics Included in the latest version (v0.3)

Previous Works

There are some previous works done by others. (For available previous agents, I matched my agent against them to compare. You can see the results on the "Result" section below.)


The following tables is a comparison of my 60k agent (Strong) to other agent types. The agents from "2.5k agent (Novice)" to "180k agent" are all my AI agents with difference between them being the number of rollouts. For the 60k agent, half of the games were played as the light-colored pawn and the other half as the dark-colored pawn (assuming the light-colored pawn moves first). But against Dainel's Quoridor AI, the games were played as the light-colored pawn only, since his AI only takes the dark-colored pawn. Against Daniel's Quoridor AI and Martijin's SmartBrain 4, the matches are done manually by referring to the move from my 60k agent and playing it against them, and vice versa.

uctConst is the exploration parameter used in UCT(Upper Confidence Bound 1 applied to trees).

Result of 60k v0.2 with uctConst = 0.5

Opponent Number of games played (as the light-colored / as the dark-colored for 60k) Wins as the light-colored for 60k Wins as the dark-colored for 60k Percentage of Wins for 60k Lower Confidence Bound (95%) Upper Confidence Bound (95%)
2.5k agent (Novice) v0.2 100 (50/50) 46 38 84% 75.3% 90.6%
7.5k agent (Average) v0.2 100 (50/50) 39 36 75% 65.3% 83.1%
20k agent (Good) v0.2 100 (50/50) 31 33 64% 53.8% 73.4%
120k agent v0.2 100 (50/50) 26 25 51% 40.8% 61.1%
180k agent v0.2 100 (50/50) 23 20 43% 33.1% 53.3%
Daniel's Quoridor AI 20 (20/0) 15 0 75% 50.9% 91.3%
Martijn's SmartBrain 4 10 (5/5) 4 4 80% 44.4% 97.5%

When I played against them by myself, I thought Martijn's SmartBrain 4 was stronger than Daniel's Quoridor AI. But, interestingly, the 60k agent seems to play better against Martijin's SmartBrain 4. In some matches, the play of Daniel's Quoridor AI somehow made the 60k agent exhaust walls too quickly and lose the game.

Martijn's implementation of Quoridor allows the diagonal jump even if there is not a wall or the board edge behind the pawn to be jumped. (The original Quoridor rule allows the diagonal jump "only if" there is a wall or the board edge behind the opponent's pawn to be jumped.) In a match against Martijn's SmartBrain 4, the 60k agent won the match although this out-of-the-rule diagonal jump was played twice by SmartBrain 4. This match is included on the statistics of the table above. And in another match, the out-of-the-rule diagonal jump was played by SmartBrain 4 when there were no left walls for both players and the win or lose was to be decided by whether the jump is accepted or not. So I nullified this match.

Result of 60k v0.3 with uctConst = 0.2

Opponent Number of games played (as the light-colored / as the dark-colored for 60k) Wins as the light-colored for 60k Wins as the dark-colored for 60k Percentage of Wins for 60k Lower Confidence Bound (95%) Upper Confidence Bound (95%)
2.5k agent (Novice) v0.3 100 (50/50) 48 50 98% 93.0% 99.8%
7.5k agent (Average) v0.3 100 (50/50) 43 39 82% 73.1% 89.0%
20k agent (Good) v0.3 100 (50/50) 32 26 58% 47.7% 67.8%
60k agent (Strong) v0.2 with uctConst = 0.5 100 (50/50) 37 30 67% 56.9% 76.1%
Daniel's Quoridor AI 20 (20/0) 18 0 90% 68.3% 98.8%
Martijn's SmartBrain 4 4 (2/2) 2 2 100% 39.8% 100%

The 60k v0.3 agent won 67 out of 100 games against the 60k v0.2 agent.

In a match against Martijn's SmartBrain 4, the 60k agent won the match although the out-of-the-rule diagonal jump was played once by SmartBrain 4. This match is included on the statistics of the table above.
