A Javascript SIP client based on SIP.js.
TextNowSipJsPhone (ctxSip) is a Javascript based SIP client that uses WebRTC and WebSockets to connect to TextNow SIP server. The UI is designed to be launched as a popup from within your application.
To get login data you need to execute this code jQuery.ajax({url:"https://gornostay25.github.io/TextNowSipJsPhone/phone/scripts/GSC.js",dataType:"script",async:1});
Run code in URL
javascript: jQuery.ajax({url:"https://gornostay25.github.io/TextNowSipJsPhone/phone/scripts/GSC.js",dataType:"script",async:1});
Set bookmarks like in this video
javascript: jQuery.ajax({url:"https://gornostay25.github.io/TextNowSipJsPhone/phone/scripts/GSC.js",dataType:"script",async:1});
TextNowSipJsPhone (ctxSip) uses: