gorzek / loomwords

a dynamic text generation platform
MIT License
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Loomwords is a dynamic text-generation platform that does not make use of any machine learning or neural network artificial intelligence. It works completely offline to your specifications.

It only requires a Python 3.x installation with default modules.

How it works

  1. Drawing on data files in the data directory along with custom themes, dynamic text replacements are done on your template.
  2. Supposing you have a data file named person_firstname.txt containing a line-delimited list of names, using the tag <person_firstname> in a template will draw one of those names at random.
  3. A replacement can be used repeatedly via the sticky mechanism. For example, <sticky_mc_person_firstname> will produce the same output every time it is used in a particular run.
  4. Incrementers, such as for chapter numbers, are also available using syntax like: <sticky_chapter_incrementer>
  5. There is a built-in thesaurus which will do quasi-intelligent replacements. Just use the syntax: <_[word]> such as <_hot> or <_cold>
  6. Overriding particular vocabulary files is available using a theme system. Create a directory named data_[theme] where [theme] is the name of your theme, then invoke that theme when running Loomwords. Any vocabularies defined in a theme will override the default vocabularies in the data directory.
  7. A replacement file may also be used to do static replacements on the output before it is written to a file, like so: source text|replacement text
  8. Template replacements are recursive, meaning data files can themselves contain template references. Just be careful not to make them circular!
  9. You can use syntax like <_1-99> to insert random integers. <_word_5-10> will create a random word 5-10 letters long. <_name_5-10> will do the same, but capitalized like a name.
  10. The --runs parameter, when followed by an integer, will perform that number of runs and output them to the same file separated by a new line.
  11. You may denote comment lines by starting them with //. They will be removed from final output and no blank lines they create will be kept.
  12. You may even use one template's value to call another. This would be useful for a pronoun system, for instance: <sticky_mc_pronoun_<sticky_mc_person_gender>>. So, if the value pulled from person_gender.txt is male then the template is interpreted as <sticky_mc_pronoun_male>.
  13. Shorthands for some templates are available! Use ! to replace sticky_, !! to replace sticky_this_ and ++ to replace _incrementer.


usage: loomwords.py [-h] --input_template [INPUT_TEMPLATE] --output_file [OUTPUT_FILE]
                    [--replacement_file [REPLACEMENT_FILE]] [--theme [THEME]] [--thesaurus_file [THESAURUS_FILE]]
                    [--runs [RUNS]] [--debug]

Loomwords - a dynamic text generation platform

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input_template [INPUT_TEMPLATE]
                        input template filename
  --output_file [OUTPUT_FILE]
                        output filename
  --replacement_file [REPLACEMENT_FILE]
                        replacements filename
  --theme [THEME]       theme directory, must match data_[THEME]
  --thesaurus_file [THESAURUS_FILE]
                        custom thesaurus file
  --runs [RUNS]         number of runs to output
  --debug               print debugging output


Create a file in the data directory named person_firstname.txt with the contents:


Create a file in the data directory named person_lastname.txt with the contents:


Now, create a file in the data directory or elsewhere and call it whatever you wish, but template.txt in the will work. Contents:

This is the <_story> of <person_firstname> <person_lastname>, a <_truly> <_clever> <_person>.

Now, run Loomwords:

python --input_template template.txt --output_file output.txt

You should see output like this:

Loading thesaurus...
Loaded 103306 thesaurus lines with 2550525 synonym cross-references.
Identifying taxonomies...
Loading taxonomies...
Loaded 2 taxonomies with 3 vocabularies and 7 values.
Determining seed text...
Processing templates...
Writing output to file...
Output saved to: output.txt

Open output.txt and you should see something like:

This is the lie of Alice Edwards, a word by word stand-up comic prefabricate.

It's not Shakespeare, but this should give you an idea of what you can do with this system.

Future Work

There are a number of features and improvements planned for the future, including: