got5 / tapestry5-jquery

Tapestry5-jquery module is focusing on overriding some core component like Datefield & providing a collections of jQuery components
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Build Status

Tapestry 5 jQuery integration Module - 4.1.2-SNAPSHOT

Demo and documentation

Hosting will stop at the end November 2015, So please note that the latest releases for 5.4 and 5.3 are now available at Maven Central.


for version >= 4.0.0 Since version 5.4, Tapestry supports jQuery and Prototype. So you don't need any more our Tapestry-jquery.js to use integrate your favorite jQuery plugin.
Tapestry5-jquery module is now focusing on :

for version < 4.0.0

This module provides jQuery integration for Tapestry 5 and allow you to work with or to replace the tapestry.js file based on prototype.

Exclusive jQuery components :

Exclusive jQuery Mixins :

Exclusive jQuery Binding Prefixes :

Theses following components are proposing an alternative implementation of some Tapestry 5 component :

Theses components were originally present in Tapestry 5 jQuery

Questions? Ideas? Comments?

All kind of feedback is very welcome. Please use Github issues system for that.

More Informations & contacts

How to use it

Just add the following dependency in your pom.xml.

For Tapestry 5.4 users:




For Tapestry 5.3 users:




Then use components like you would normally do. For Autocomplete and Palette use "jquery" namespace:

    <t:jquery.autocomplete />
    <t:submit />

Or add jquery to the tapestry-library namespace:

<html xmlns:t=""

    <j:palette />
    <t:textfield t:mixins="jquery/autocomplete" ... />
    <t:submit />


Changelog related to Tapestry 5.4.x branch

Changelog related to Tapestry 5.3.8 with jQuery 1.12.2

Changelog related to Tapestry 5.3.x with jQuery 1.10.2

Changelog related to Tapestry 5.3.x with jQuery 1.7.2

Changelog related to Tapestry 5.2.x with jQuery 1.6.4


This project is distributed under Apache 2 License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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