gotmachine / PhysicsHold

KSP Mod : Control physics for landed vessels
MIT License
9 stars 0 forks source link



This plugin requires HarmonyKSP to be installed. It isn't bundled in the release and must be installed separately.


This is a proof-of-concept mod. As far as my tests have gone, it works reliably. However, I don't intend to support it actively. It may break with future KSP versions, and it may stay unfixed if bugs are found. Be aware that due to the hacky nature of this mod, it is likely to cause issues when used alongside other plugins. I also don't intent to provide releases on the usual channels (KSP forums, CKAN, Spacedock, Curseforge...). Feel free to fork and adopt this mod as your own if you want to make it available for the masses.


This add a VesselModule active on all loaded vessels. It allow disabling physics for landed vessels. When the "physics hold" mode is enabled, all rigidbodies on the vessel are made kinematic by forcing the stock "packed" (or "on rails") state normally used during "physics easing" and non-physics timewarp.

When enabled, all rigibodies physics are disabled, making the vessel an unmovable object fixed at a given altitude/longitude/latitude. Non-kinematic vessels can still collide with it, but it will not react to collisions.

Working and tested

Not working / Known issues

Untested / likely to have issues
