govind-kumarr / simple_rag_dashboard

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19 stars 33 forks source link
chatgpt generative-ai gssoc langchain-js mongodb nodejs rag react tailwindcss

There are three repositories

Welcome to Chatbot

Chatbot πŸ€–


The Chatbot repository contains the code for our embeddable chatbot that can be integrated into any website. This chatbot is designed to provide seamless interactions and enhance user engagement on your site. completed - Chat bot is completed.


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Chatbot_RJS is the React application repository where we develop our website. This application serves as the frontend for our chatbot service, providing a user-friendly interface and smooth user experience.


Node_Server πŸ”§


The Node_Server repository contains the backend code to power both the Chatbot and Chatbot_RJS applications. It handles all the server-side logic, data processing, and API integrations necessary for the chatbot to function.


Getting Started

To get started with the Node_Server: 1). Clone the repository:

   git clone

2). Install dependencies:

     npm install

3). Run the server:

    npm start


We welcome contributions! Please fork the repository , make changes and submit pull requests for review.

Feel free to further customize and expand on these sections as needed!