The code of Ada-MVS for "Deep learning based multi-view stereo matching and 3D scene reconstruction from oblique aerial images (ISPRS) "
paper link:ISPRS_2023
This code is an implementation of Ada-MVS (adaptive multi-view aggregation matching network), which aims to infer the reference depth map from a set of oblique aerial multi-view images with known imaging parameters.
├── train
├── test
├── predict
## Training
1. In ``````, set ```mode``` to ```train```, set ```model``` to ```adamvs```, set ```set_name``` to ```whu_omvs```<br/>
2. Set ```trainpath``` to your training data folder ``` YOUR_PATH/WHU_OMVS/train```, and set ```testpath``` to your validation data folder ``` YOUR_PATH/WHU_OMVS/test```<br/>
3. Set ```loadckpt``` to ```None```<br/>
2. Train the model:<br/>
## Testing
1. In ``````, set ```mode``` to ```test```, set ```model``` to ```adamvs```, set ```set_name``` to ```whu_omvs```<br/>
2. set ```testpath``` to your test data folder ``` YOUR_PATH/WHU_OMVS/test```<br/>
3. set ```loadckpt``` as your checkpoint file <br/>
2. Test the model:<br/>
The test outputs are stored in ```YOUR_PATH/WHU_OMVS/test/depths_whu_omvs/```, including depth map ```XXX_init.pfm```, probability map ```XXX_prob.pfm``` and the visual results in ```color``` folder.<br/>
## Predict
1. In ``````, set ```model``` to ```adamvs```. <br/>
2. set ```data_folder``` to the test data information folder ``` YOUR_PATH/WHU_OMVS/predict/source```, set ```output_folder``` to your save path ``` OUTPUT_PATH```<br/>
3. set ```loadckpt``` as your checkpoint file <br/>
2. Run inference:<br/>
The inferred results are stored in ```OUTPUT_PATH```, including depth map ```XXX_init.pfm```, probability map ```XXX_prob.pfm``` and the visual results in ```color``` folder.<br/>
## Cite
If you find this code useful in your research, please cite:
@article{liu_deep_2023, author = {Liu, Jin and Gao, Jian and Ji, Shunping and Zeng, Chang and Zhang, Shaoyi and Gong, JianYa}, title = {Deep learning based multi-view stereo matching and {3D} scene reconstruction from oblique aerial images}, volume = {204}, issn = {09242716}, journal = {ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing}, month = oct, year = {2023}, pages = {42--60}, }
@inproceedings{liu_novel_2020, author = {Liu, Jin and Ji, Shunping}, title = {A Novel Recurrent Encoder-Decoder Structure for Large-Scale Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction From an Open Aerial Dataset}, booktitle = {2020 {IEEE}/{CVF} Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ({CVPR})}, month = {June}, year = {2020}, pages = {6049--6058} }
## Reference
This project takes the [CasMVSNet]( and [REDNet]( as its backbone, and we thank the authors for providing the source code.