gpioblink / build-dsm232-docker

Build GPL code for dsm232(gcluster) with just one command in docker. (dockerでコマンド1つ打つだけで、dsm232(gcluster)用のGPLコードをビルドします)
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This is a repository for utilizing dlink's gcluster (dsm232) as Linux. It can build GPL source as well as generate images to run arbitrary shell scripts.

これは、dlinkのgcluster(dsm232)をLinuxとして活用するためのリポジトリです。 GPLソースのビルドはもちろん、任意のシェルスクリプトを動かすためのイメージを生成することもできます。

How to Build the DSM232 Official Source Code [DSM232ソースのビルド]

Download this repository and run docker-compose up --build build-gpl-image. A build directory will be created and the built image will be stored there. You can create dsm232.bin, dsm232.img and dsm232_fact.img.

このリポジトリをダウンロードして、docker-compose up --build build-gpl-imageを実行してください。buildディレクトリが作成され、そこにビルドしたイメージが保存されます。dsm232.bindsm232.imgdsm232_fact.imgを作成できます。

Warning: This source code has a different RSA signature from the official one. It cannot be executed without changing the U-Boot's environment parameters. (Please do not burn this image if you do not have a UART connection for the device.)


When running on dsm232, rename dsm232.img to factory.img and place it in cameo_factory/factory.img from the USB memory root. After this, when you boot dsm232 with USB plugged in, this image will be burned on the NAND of dsm232.


Create image for shell script execution [シェルスクリプト起動のためのイメージ作成(cameohax)]

First, download this repository and put the files or directories you want to execute in gshock/inject-files. The contents of gshock/inject-files/ will be executed first.


When the files are ready, run docker-compose up --build make-cameohax-image to create the app directory, where the built image will be stored. You can create app.img and full.img.

ファイルの用意ができたら、docker-compose up --build make-cameohax-imageを実行するとappディレクトリが作成され、そこにビルドしたイメージが保存されます。app.imgfull.imgを作成できます。

When running on dsm232, rename full.img to factory.img and place it in cameo_factory/factory.img from the USB memory root. After this, when you start dsm232 with the USB plugged in, it will be copied to the persistent storage in dsm232 and will be executed.


WIP: How to Build the DSM232 Official Source Code (DSM260ソースのビルド WIP)

As with DSM232, you can build it with docker-compose up --build build-dsm260-image.

DSM232と同様にdocker-compose up --build build-dsm260-imageでビルドできます。

However, even if you execute this build, you will get Kernel panic - not syncing: Out of memory and no killable processes.... I am currently working on this issue.

ただし、このビルドを実行しても、Kernel panic - not syncing: Out of memory and no killable processes...こんな形でカーネルパニックが発生して終了してしまいます。この件については、現在検討中です。

References (参考)

The original code was based on this project. It's the same compiler as the "PQI Air Card," and it helped a lot!

元のコードはこのプロジェクトを参考にしました。「PQI Air Card」と同じコンパイラでとても役立ちました!

Please see inside the Dockerfile for other references.
