gplanchat / php-collision

An experimental PHP extension for building event-driven network servers in PHP
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An experimental PHP extension for building event-driven network servers in PHP


To install collision, you must first compile it :

$ phpize
$ ./configure --enable-collision && make
$ sudo make install

Then, in your php.ini, add this line near others modules declarations :

Current API

The Event Manager

There are currently 6 classes in the Event Manager of php-collision, grouped into th namespace Collision\EventManager.

They could be defined as :

interface EventInterface
    string public function getName();
    EventInterface public function stop();
    bool public function isStopped();

trait EventTrait
    string public function getName();
    EventInterface public function stop();
    bool public function isStopped();

class Event
    implements EventInterface
    use EventTrait;

    public function __construct(string $name);

interface EventEmitterInterface
    EventEmitterInterface public function on(string $eventName, callable $listener);
    EventEmitterInterface public function once(string $eventName, callable $listener);
    EventEmitterInterface public function removeListener(string $eventName, callable $listener);
    EventEmitterInterface public function removeAllListeners(string $eventName = null);
    array public function getListeners(string $eventName);
    EventEmitterInterface public function emit(EventInterface $event, array $arguments = []);

trait EventEmitterTrait
    EventEmitterInterface public function on(string $eventName, callable $listener);
    EventEmitterInterface public function once(string $eventName, callable $listener);
    EventEmitterInterface public function removeListener(string $eventName, callable $listener);
    EventEmitterInterface public function removeAllListeners(string $eventName = null);
    array public function getListeners(string $eventName);
    EventEmitterInterface public function emit(EventInterface $event, array $arguments = []);

class SharedEventEmitter
    implements EventEmitterInterface
    use EventEmitterTrait;