gptscript-ai / knowledge

knowledge for GPTScript
Apache License 2.0
15 stars 5 forks source link
ai embeddings knowledge llm rag vector-database

Knowledge API

Standalone Knowledge Tool to be used with GPTScript and GPTStudio


Requires Go 1.22+

make build


The knowledge tool can run in two modes: server and client, where client can be standalone or referring to a remote server.

You can find a full gptscript-generated documentation in the CLI documentation.

Client - Standalone

knowledge create-dataset foobar
knowledge ingest -d foobar
knowledge retrieve -d foobar "Which filetypes are supported?"
knowledge delete-dataset foobar

Server & Client - Server Mode

knowledge server
export KNOW_SERVER_URL=http://localhost:8000/v1
knowledge create-dataset foobar
knowledge ingest -d foobar
knowledge retrieve -d foobar "Which filetypes are supported?"
knowledge delete-dataset foobar

Supported File Types

OpenAPI / Swagger

The API is documented using OpenAPI 2.0 (Swagger), automatically generated using swaggo/swag (make openapi).

GPTScript Examples

Note: The examples in the examples/ directory expect the knowledge binary to be in your $PATH.


gptscript examples/client.gpt

Architecture & Components

The knowledge tool is composed of the following components, which are all run from the same executable: