gqqnbig / cs145project

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Movie Preference Prediction

The dataset is adapted from the MovieLens dataset with modifications, e.g. the user IDs are hashed and shuffled.

This is the dataset for CS145 course project use.

genome-scores.csv: movieid, tagid, relevance, indicating that for each movie-tag pair, the strength of this pair. Tags are user-generated metadata about movies. Each tag is typically a single word or short phrase. The meaning, value, and purpose of a particular tag is determined by each user.

genome-tags.csv: tagid, tag, indicating that each tagid coresponding to a specific tag.

kaggle_sample_submission.csv: a sample submission.

movies.csv: movieid, title, genres, indicating each movie's name and corresponding genres.

tags_shuffled_rehashed.csv: userId, movieId and tag, indicating that each user assigns a movie a tag.

test_ratings.csv: test dataset. Please follow the format of the sample submission to submit your answer to this test set.

train_ratings.csv: training dataset. It consists of three fields: userId, movieId, and rating (binary: 0 indicating dislike and 1 indicating like).

val_ratings.csv: validation dataset with the same fields as the training dataset.

Apriori Algorithm

Tried 2 methonds

  1. From Website
  2. From Mlxtend Accuracy: highest:0.53

Command Line Options

Our program is executed with ./ on Linux, with Shebang, interpreted by python3, or python3 on Windows.

--data-folder x

x should be a path to the folder holding the dataset. If the specified folder doesn’t have data, the program will download one from Kaggle API. By default, x is ../data.

--model x

Choose a model to run. x should be a model name, choose from RandomForest or DecisionTree. By default x is RandomForest.

--relevance x

Only tags with relevance greater than or equal to x will be considered as relevant tags to a movie. By default, x is 0.46.

--parallel x

If x is an integer, the program uses x processes. If x is auto, the program will determine the proper number of processes. By default, x is auto.

--first-users x

The program will only test users whose ID is less than or equal to x. This option is for fast experiment. If this option is present, submit.csv will not be generated.

To reproduce our results, the following command line should be used:


which is the same as

./ --model RandomForest --parallel auto --relevance 0.46

The output is like this.

Classification using RandomForest starts with 4 processes.
[Thread 2] User 34972 is done. Progress is 1%. Used time is 77s. Remaining time is 7649s.
[Thread 2] User 68902 is done. Progress is 99%. Used time is 13314s. Remaining time is 134s.
[Thread 4] User 138148 is done. Progress is 99%. Used time is 13344s. Remaining time is 134s.
Fixed 47 empty prediction in table ValidationRatings.
Fixed 698 empty prediction in table TestRatings.
Successfully submitted to CS 145 Project
Used time: 13461.748700618744
Best accuracy is 0.6601360859924246. This accuracy is 0.7244378676327179.