gr4sp / simulationEngine

Repository for the Generic Recursive Simulation of Socio-technical Systems for Service Provision (GR4SP).
MIT License
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electricity energy energy-vulnerability socio-technical sustainability transition


This repository holds the source code of the Generic Recursive Simulation of Socio-technical Systems for Service Provision (GR4SP) model. The simulation model uses data for the Victorian electricity system in Australia. But GR4SP's structure can guide the development of similar simulations in other contexts.

In addition to the source code of the main simulation engine, an Agent-based model in Java, this repository holds several Jupyter notebooks for analysing and visualising sets of experimental results.

Set up Gr4sp

Clone repo:

git clone

go to the root folder gr4sp and run

mkdir logs
mkdir csv
mkdir plots

To run the model, you need to install JAVA JRE and JDK.



sudo apt update
sudo apt install default-jre
sudo apt install default-jdk

See this guide more details on how to setup JAVA in ubuntu


follow these instructions


Install JPype, Pandas, ipyparallel, SALib, numpy, scipy, matplotlib:

pip install JPype1 pandas ipyparallel SALib numpy scipy matplotlib

compile java files

You can use InteliJ. Once installed, open the project clicking on the gr4sp.iml file. You can compile/build and run from InteliJ.

Alternatively, run this command from the root of the repo to make the bash script executable:

javac -d classes -cp src/:/mnt/data/gr4sp/experiments/../libraries/bsh-2.0b4.jar:/mnt/data/gr4sp/experiments/../libraries/itext-1.2.jar:/mnt/data/gr4sp/experiments/../libraries/j3dcore.jar:/mnt/data/gr4sp/experiments/../libraries/j3dutils.jar:/mnt/data/gr4sp/experiments/../libraries/jcommon-1.0.21.jar:/mnt/data/gr4sp/experiments/../libraries/jfreechart-1.0.17.jar:/mnt/data/gr4sp/experiments/../libraries/jmf.jar:/mnt/data/gr4sp/experiments/../libraries/mason.19.jar:/mnt/data/gr4sp/experiments/../libraries/portfolio.jar:/mnt/data/gr4sp/experiments/../libraries/vecmath.jar:/mnt/data/gr4sp/experiments/../libraries/postgresql-42.2.6.jar:/mnt/data/gr4sp/experiments/../libraries/opencsv-4.6.jar:/mnt/data/gr4sp/experiments/../libraries/yamlbeans-1.13.jar  $(find src -name *.java)

Set simulation YAML file

The settings for the simulation are specified in YAML format. Which is a human readable file that can be edited to change the simulation settings.

To run the simulation settings stored in the YAML file, the folderOutput variable in the YAML file should point to the main folder containing gr4sp (root folder where the code was cloned).

Run the following command:


This command should have printed the full location path. Make sure the folderOutput variable at the beginning of the YAML file is set to the correct full path printed by pwd.

For example, if you clone the repo in windows in this folder c:\\Users\\MyUserName\\Documents\\GitHub\\gr4sp, then set the first variable in the yaml file simulationSettings/BAUVIC.yaml as

folderOutput: "C:\\Users\\MyUserName\\Documents\\GitHub\\gr4sp"

## Install PostGres and load database

Install postgres

sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib

To create `postgres` username and database

sudo -u postgres -i

dropdb postgres createdb postgres sudo -u postgres psql \q

To load data into the database in linux run

sudo -u postgres pg_restore -U postgres -d postgres < backupDB/databaseName.sql

If you are using windows run instead

pg_restore.exe -U postgres -d postgres -l backupDB/databaseName.sql

:warning: If you already loaded the database and you need to recreate it again using a new different backup file run:

sudo -u postgres dropdb postgres sudo -u postgres createdb postgres sudo -u postgres pg_restore -U postgres -d postgres < backupDB/databaseName.sql

Edit file pg_hba.conf. In ubuntu it can be found at `/etc/postgresql/XX/main/pg_hba.conf` where XX is the PostgreSQL version:

sudo nano /etc/postgresql/XX/main/pg_hba.conf

See [this guide]( about how to edit files with nano. Scroll down to the end of the file and make sure that all the lines below finish with the word `trust`. The file should be edited so it looks as shown below:

```local   all             postgres                                trust

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all             all                                     trust                                                                                                                                                                         # IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               trust                                                                                                                                                                        # IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust   

and then run

sudo service postgresql restart

These changes make sure that gr4sp access the postgres database without any issues (e.g. username, passwords).

You can run from InteliJ.

Otherwise, make sure you added executable rights to by running

chmod +x *.sh

and then simply run:


It will run the simulation using the default simulationSettings simulationSettings/BAUVIC.yaml. Once the simulation is over, the results should appear in the csv and plots folders.

if you want to run it with the Graphical interface to see the progress of the simulation with the live plots, then run


alternatively, the command being used is as follows:

java -classpath classes/production/gr4sp:libraries/bsh-2.0b4.jar:libraries/itext-1.2.jar:libraries/j3dcore.jar:libraries/j3dutils.jar:libraries/jcommon-1.0.21.jar:libraries/jfreechart-1.0.17.jar:libraries/jmf.jar:libraries/mason.19.jar:libraries/portfolio.jar:libraries/vecmath.jar:libraries/postgresql-42.2.6.jar:libraries/opencsv-4.6.jar:libraries/yamlbeans-1.13.jar core.Gr4spSim

Run Experiments with EMA Workbench

install python3 and pip3 following this instructions

Python dependencies

install PIP python package manager:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip

Install JPype, Pandas, ipyparallel, SALib, numpy, scipy, matplotlib:

pip3 install JPype1 pandas ipyparallel SALib numpy scipy matplotlib

Set JVM library

open experiments/settingsExperiments.json file, and edit the file setting the variable jvmPath accordingly to jvmPathWindows or jvmPathUbuntu , making sure that the folders contain the jvm.dll or library.

Run EET or Variance-based SA

go to experiments folder, edit the experiment you want to run in experiments/ and execute:


Analyze results

see notebooks in experiments/notebookGr4sp