grafana-tools / grafana-backup

[ON HOLD] CLI tool for backup/restore Grafana dashboards and datasources.
GNU General Public License v3.0
28 stars 3 forks source link
backup cli grafana http tools

Backup tool for Gafana

CLI for the simple backup/restore operations of Grafana dashboards and datasources. It uses Grafana client SDK.

Work in progress. Current state: it may works, may not. Depends on build. Don't use it yet!


Back up all dashboards and any datasources which they require. Backups will be saved as separate files in the directory $CWD/backup

$ grafana-backup -url http://127.1:3000 -key xxxxxxxx backup

Show all dashboards which have the flags "tagone" and "tagtwo" applied and any datasources they use.

$ grafana-backup -tag tagone,tagtwo ls
<31> "Test Dashboard 1" [tagone tagtwo] 
<10> "prometheus-test" (prometheus)
<8> "Promt2Local" (prometheus)

Show the dashboard titled "Test Dashboard 3" and the datasources it uses.

$ grafana-backup -title 'Test Dashboard 3' ls
<33> "Test Dashboard 3" [] 
<10> "prometheus-test" (prometheus)
<8> "Promt2Local" (prometheus)

Back up all dashboards which have the flags "tag1" and "tag2" applied and any datasources they use.

$ grafana-backup -url http://127.1:3000 -key xxxxxxxx -tag tag1,tag2 backup

Back up a dashboard called "sample"

$ grafana-backup -url http://127.1:3000 -key xxxxxxxx -tag tag1,tag2 -title sample backup

Back up all dashboards, datasources and users

$ grafana-backup -url http://127.1:3000 -key xxxxxxxx -apply-for all

Show information about local backup files

$ grafana-backup ls-files
test-dashboard-1.db.json:    board id:31 "Test Dashboard 1" [tagone tagtwo]
test-dashboard-2.db.json:    board id:32 "Test Dashboard 2"
test-dashboard-3.db.json:    board id:33 "Test Dashboard 3"

Restore all local objects which have the tag "tag1" applied to them.

$ grafana-backup -url http://127.1:3000 -key xxxxxxxx -tag tag1 restore

View the usage

$ grafana-backup 
Backup tool for Grafana.
Copyright (C) 2016-2017  Alexander I.Grafov <>

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under conditions of GNU GPL license v3.

Usage: $ grafana-backup [flags] <command>

Available commands are: backup, restore, ls, ls-files, info, config, help.
Call 'grafana-backup help <command>' for details about the command.

  -apply-for string
        apply operation only for some kind of objects, available values are "auto", "all", "dashboards", "datasources", "users" (default "auto")
  -dir string
        A directory to write backup files to or read them from. (default "backup")
        force overwrite of existing objects
  -key string
        API key of Grafana server
        only match starred dashboards
  -tag string
        dashboard should match all these tags
  -timeout duration
        read flagTimeout for interacting with Grafana in seconds (default 6m0s)
  -title string
        dashboard title should match name
  -url string
        URL of Grafana server
        verbose output

List of proposed commands, flags and args

Draft and it is subject for changes.

# List dashboards.
$ grafana-backup -key=xxxx -url=x.y.z -title=match-name -tag=x,y,z ls

# List datasources.
$ grafana-backup -key=xxxx -url=x.y.z ls-ds

# List users.
$ grafana-backup -key=xxxx -url=x.y.z ls-users

# Do backup for matching dashboards.
$ grafana-backup -key=xxxx -url=x.y.z -title=match-name -tag=x,y,z backup path/to

# Restore objects on a server at url only for boards match tags.
$ grafana-backup -key=xxxx -url=x.y.z -tag x,y,z restore path/from

# List local backups for tags and file mask
$ grafana-backup -tag x,y,z -file "backup/*/*" ls-files 

# Save all flags to config var.
$ grafana-backup -key=xxxx -url=x.y.z config-set confname

# Get flag values for config variable.
$ grafana-backup config-get confname

# Flag applied for backup/restore