grafana / oncall

Developer-friendly incident response with brilliant Slack integration
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Add ability to create a swap request over a swap request. #3142

Open poyzannur opened 1 year ago

poyzannur commented 1 year ago

What would you like to see!

I'd like to be able to make another swap request, if i'm already covering a shift for somebody else. For example, occasionally we need partial coverage during the shift. If i'm covering of somebody else (hence already accepted a swap request) I cannot make another one on top of that to ask somebody to cover my shift.

The current workaround is that the original owner of the shift can make multiple requests to people for different times of the shift. But it's quite cumbersome and hard to predict in real scenarios. Otherwise swap requests are pretty handy and intuitive, thank you!

Product Area


Anything else to add?

No response

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

The current version of Grafana OnCall, at the time this issue was opened, is v1.3.43. If your issue pertains to an older version of Grafana OnCall, please be sure to list it in the PR description. Thank you :smile:!

ravishankar15 commented 11 months ago

Hi Team, I am not sure if this issue is still open. I am able to create a swap request on top of swap request by a non owner

  1. Login as user oncall Create a schedule
  2. Create a rotation for a user oncall
  3. Create a shift swap for a date range
  4. Login as another user as oncall1
  5. Accept the swap request
  6. Create a new swap request from the login of oncall1 for a data time range overlapping the accepted swap request
  7. Login as user oncall2 and Accept the request

The final schedule shows the right users on the on call.

Please let me know if my understanding not correct.