grafana / xk6-websockets

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
18 stars 6 forks source link
k6 websockets xk6


This extension adds a PoC Websockets API implementation to k6.

This is meant to try to implement the specification as close as possible without doing stuff that don't make sense in k6 like:

  1. not reporting errors
  2. not allowing some ports and other security workarounds

It supports additional k6 specific features such as:

It is implemented using the xk6 system.


Getting started

  1. Build the k6's binary:

    $ make build
  2. Run an example:

    $ ./k6 run ./examples/

Discrepancies with the specifications


Contributing to this repository is following general k6's contribution guidelines since the long-term goal is to merge this extension into the main k6 repository.


To run the test you can use the make test target.


To run the linter you can use the make lint target.

By default there is golangci-lint config presented. Since the long-term goal is to merge the module back to the grafana/k6 we use the k6's linter rules. The rule set will be downloaded automatically while the first run of the make lint or you could do that manually by running make linter-config.