grandma-collaboration / skyportal_grandma_dev

Little Git Repo to keep track of the work done by the A4 ESILV TEAM
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PART 2: Getting Ready to dev: SkyPortal Tutorial - Adding New Features #12

Open Theodlz opened 1 year ago

Theodlz commented 1 year ago

Hi All!

Once you are done with the first issue (#1 Getting Ready with SkyPortal: Installation), please quickly tackle the tutorial found in the docs:

Similarly, you need to each create an issue where you tag me (don't forget to assign yourself, put a label and add it to the project).

Good luck!

(If possible, try to finish it by Thursday 3rd of November. The tutorial is short anyway, but please take your time to read the code and understand every part of it).

Theodlz commented 1 year ago


Theodlz commented 1 year ago

@KodeurFou @Nayru12 @aolrc-vinci @ManonFlt @celiune @laurall974 @Carla802 @jolyanem @lydie10 @Adiman007