grandma-collaboration / skyportal_grandma_dev

Little Git Repo to keep track of the work done by the A4 ESILV TEAM
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ESILV A4 Project: SkyPortal for GRANDMA

Hey everyone! In the project section, you'll find a "CANVA" where you can create tickets (or reference issues), and sort them in the To Do, In Progress, Stuck/Need Help, Review and Done columns.

You can either create a simple ticket, or reference an issue. Please only use issues, as they offer way more functionalities. So go to Issues > Create an issue > Go to Project > Put the issue in the right section.

ALWAYS Tag me (@Theodlz) on the issues when you need help, or if you have any questions.

Task 1:

Each of you need to create an issue called <Your Name> - Installing SkyPortal. In the issue's content, please list the different steps you took so far, and list any issues you encountered (please us markdown to create a nice looking text, better than this one for example :eyes:. It's a very useful skill when creating issues on SkyPortal).

Then, add that issue in the "TO DO" column of the project section if you're doing ok for now, and move it to the "STUCK" section if you need any help.

When you are done installing SkyPortal, move it to the Review column. During the next meeting (2022/10/27) we'll have a look at it and move it to the "Done" column if everything seems ok!

Good luck! :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

PS: I've created a first issue. Please leave a reaction (they are basically emojis) on it to show me that you joined the GitHub repo and read the instructions :)


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