grandma-collaboration / skyportal_grandma_dev

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Adrien Bonnefoy - Installing SkyPortal #2

Closed Adiman007 closed 1 year ago

Adiman007 commented 1 year ago

@Theodlz 👋


I'm at the Launch step in the Setup and so far everything went great but I'm stuck at the 3rd and 4th step of the Launching process :

  1. Run make log to monitor the service and, in a separate window, make run to start the server.
  2. Direct your browser to http://localhost:5000.

the make run seems to work without any issue but the make log seems to be not working and displays me this error every 30sec : _[21:20:33 app_1] Could not connect to migration manager on port [64501] [21:20:33 app_1] Database not migrated, or could not verify; trying again in 2s [21:20:33 app_2] Could not connect to migration manager on port [64501] [21:20:33 app_2] Database not migrated, or could not verify; trying again in 2s [21:20:33 app_3] Could not connect to migration manager on port [64501] [21:20:33 app_3] Database not migrated, or could not verify; trying again in 2s [21:20:33 app_0] Could not connect to migration manager on port [64501] [21:20:33 app0] Database not migrated, or could not verify; trying again in 2s [21:20:33 cron] Monitoring 0 jobs Config files: baselayer/config.yaml.defaults config.yaml.defaults config.yaml

When I try to open my browser for the step 4, I arrive on a webpage that displays :

SkyPortal is being provisioned and often it crashes my connection between WSL and VScode when I try to reload the webpage.

I may need help on this because I'm kinda lost and It's very time consuming having to restart my computer if a crash occurs. ❌

mcoughlin commented 1 year ago

@Adiman007 I have no experience personally running with WSL, but can I confirm you saw and followed:

Specifically, ```If you are using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) be sure you clone the repository onto a location on the virtual machine, not the mounted Windows drive. Additionally, we recommend that you use WSL 2, and not WSL 1, in order to avoid complications in interfacing with the Linux image’s localhost network.'''

Theodlz commented 1 year ago

Hi @Adiman007

First, the make log shows you the logs of the app, that you started using make run. So actually here its the make log that works (it does its job), but the make run that does not work (the opposite of what you said).

Second, as Michael mentioned, make sure you are using wsl2, and that you clone skyportal on the VM's disk, and not windows disk.

Third, please create a zip file of the logs. To do that, go to skyportal's directory and run zip <the_name_you_want>.zip log/*. Then, add the file here on your issue so I can have a look at it. If you can't attach it to a git comment, just send it to me on slack :)

Last but not least, keep in mind that starting the app, especially the first time, can take a while. There's a sort of cool down when accessing the webpage. If you access it while its being provisioned, even if you see in the logs that its done starting, reloading the webpage might print the same "provisioned" message. You need to wait few seconds before reloading it.

When it comes to WSL2 crashing, I can't really help you with that part as of right now. I'll try installing it too with my linux install one of these days so I can help you guys more easily.

Adiman007 commented 1 year ago

@Adiman007 I have no experience personally running with WSL, but can I confirm you saw and followed:

Specifically, ```If you are using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) be sure you clone the repository onto a location on the virtual machine, not the mounted Windows drive. Additionally, we recommend that you use WSL 2, and not WSL 1, in order to avoid complications in interfacing with the Linux image’s localhost network.'''

thx for your answer @mcoughlin ! Yep, I've followed the tutorial for WSL but I will try on a linux VM on my PC because it looks like I've broken my WSL connection and I don't really know how.

Adiman007 commented 1 year ago

Thx for your comment @Theodlz, I will try on a linux VM on my PC maybe I will be luckier 😅

Theodlz commented 1 year ago

Your call! However I'd suggest that before doing that you send me a zip file of your logs so we can figure out why it's not working right now. Might be easier to fix it rather than move on! First stop the app, delete the content of your log folder, run it again (the whole thing so make db_clear && make db_init && make run), wait few minutes (say 5 solid minutes or more if your computer is a bit slow). Then stop the app and zip your logs. While you do all that, please use make log in a seperate terminal to monitor the logs yourself. It's a good practice that you need to get used to. Good luck!

Adiman007 commented 1 year ago

I just couldn't because It crashed my WSL and It wasn't possible to run any cmd 😞

Theodlz commented 1 year ago

If thats ok, could you share with me the specs of your computer so I can better assess what we are working with? (Cpu, ram, gpu, ssd or hdd and their size...)

Theodlz commented 1 year ago

Hi @Adiman007, any updates? I'd like all of you to be able to move to the next step (next issue) soon. Otherwise you guys won't be able to start working for the project...

Theodlz commented 1 year ago

Don't forget to look at other people's issues. But be careful, those who are done might have closed their issue (which is what should be done once an issue is solved). So on the issues section of this git repo, you can display or not display closed issue. But default they are hidden, so don't forget to display them so you don't miss anything valuable.

Adiman007 commented 1 year ago

Hi @Adiman007, any updates? I'd like all of you to be able to move to the next step (next issue) soon. Otherwise you guys won't be able to start working for the project...

A friend of mine, will share an usb bootable linux with me this weekend

Theodlz commented 1 year ago

Ok so you don't have the app running yet. Then please don't close the issue, as its still not completed.

Theodlz commented 1 year ago

Hi @Adiman007. Any updates ?

Theodlz commented 1 year ago

Hi again @Adiman007, anything new?

Adiman007 commented 1 year ago

sorry I don't have GitHub on my phone so I don't have any alert when you send a text, but I've watched and have been noticed of what you sent to the others, I've made an hard drive partition today and installed Linux into it and now I try it again from the ground I hope it will work flawlessly from now on, fingers cross :crossed_fingers:

Adiman007 commented 1 year ago

Skyporal installed