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Balancing Logit Variation for Long-tailed Semantic Segmentation
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Balancing Logit Variation for Long-tailed Semantic Segmentation, CVPR 2023

Fully-supervised semantic segmentation


cd fully_sup
conda create -n blv python=3.7 -y
conda activate blv
conda install pytorch==1.10.0 torchvision==0.11.0 torchaudio==0.10.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
pip install openmim
mim install mmcv-full==1.4.0
pip install -e .

Data Preparation

Please follow this link to setup the datasets.


For some models, you should download the corresponding pretrained checkpoints for the backbone manually.

cd fully_sup
python -u tools/ /path/to/the/config/file

Results and configs

Method Backbone mIoU mIoU(tail) config
HRNet-18 OCRHead 79.22 63.51 config
HRNet-18 +BLV 79.94 66.70 config
ResNet50 UperHead 78.28 62.56 config
ResNet50 +BLV 78.63 64.57 config
ResNet50 PSPHead 77.98 61.96 config
ResNet50 +BLV 78.53 63.34 config
ResNet101 UperHead 79.41 64.68 config
ResNet101 +BLV 79.88 66.29 config
MiT-b0 SegformerHead 76.85 67.58 config
MiT-b0 +BLV 77.09 68.91 config
Swin-T K-NeT 79.68 71.70 config
Swin-T +BLV 80.11 72.94 config
Vit-B16 K-NeT 76.48 68.25 config
Vit-B16 +BLV 77.68 70.63 config

Unsupervised Domain adaptive semantic segmentation

Semi-supervised semantic segmentation


If you find this useful for your research, please cite the following paper.

  title={Balancing Logit Variation for Long-tailed Semantic Segmentation},
  author={Wang, Yuchao and Fei, Jingjing and Wang, Haochen and Li, Wei and Bao, Tianpeng and Wu, Liwei and Zhao, Rui and Shen, Yujun},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


The implementation of fully-supervised semantic segmentation task is based on mmsegmentation.

The implementation of unsupervised domain adaptived semantic segmentation task is based on HRDA.