Run Graphistry in Kubernetes using this live helm repository and supporting automation scripts & documentation
See for version history. For contributing to this repository as a developer, see
We recommend using a private repository to avoid rate-limiting and improve security:
and rerunning the pipelineaz login
APP_BUILD_TAG=latest ACR_NAME=myacr DOCKERHUB_USERNAME=mydockerhubuser DOCKERHUB_TOKEN=mydockerhubtoken ./acr-bootstrap/
Create a Azure Container Registry Container principal ID by running the following command with your ACR information to create a kube secret with the ACR principal ID(This script assumes a default namespace, to change, edit the script):
ACR_NAME=myacr AZSUBSCRIPTION="my subscription name" SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME=acrk8sprincipal CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME=myacrk8sregistry ./acr-bootstrap/
kubectl create secret docker-registry acr-secret \
--namespace default \
--docker-server=<CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME> \
--docker-username=<Docker username> \
--docker-password=<Docker password>
Note: Be sure to add the nvidia device plugin daemonset to the cluster before deployment. \
kubectl create -f
once daemonset has been installed and started
if successful will see in nodes capacity here \
kubectl get nodes -ojson | jq .items[].status.capacity
Note: Be sure to add the nginx ingress controller to the cluster before deployment. \
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx --repo --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace
Note: Be sure to add Longhorn to the cluster before deployment. \
helm repo add longhorn
\helm repo update
\kubectl create namespace longhorn-system
\kubectl apply -f -n longhorn-system
\helm upgrade -i longhorn longhorn/longhorn --namespace longhorn-system
Note: Be sure to change the azurecontainerregistry value in values.yaml to the name of your acr as well as setting the nodeSelector value to your preferred node to deploy the cluster onto.
kubectl get nodes
once you have a node selected, run the following command and find the hostname of the node to use with the nodeSelector value:
kubectl describe node <node name>
and then set the nodeSelector value to the hostname of the selected node along with your acr container registry name.:
helm upgrade -i my-graphistry-chart graphistry-helm/Graphistry-Helm-Chart \
--set<container-registry-name> \
--set nodeSelector."kubernetes\\.io/hostname"=<node hostname> \
--set domain = <FQDN or node external IP ex:> \
--set imagePullSecrets=<secrets_name> (has to go last)
Note: different labels can be used for the nodeSelector value, but some labels between the nodes may not be unique.