graphpaperpress / Sell-Media

a WordPress plugin that allows anyone to sell, license and protect images, videos, audio and other media files.
GNU General Public License v2.0
58 stars 48 forks source link

=== Sell Media ===

Contributors: endortrails, nhuja Donate link: Tags: photography, photos, sell media, sell photos, sell videos, sell downloads, download, downloads, e-commerce, paypal, stock photos, photo gallery, photo cart Requires at least: 6.2.1 Tested up to: 6.5.3 Stable tag: License: GPLv2 or later License URI:

Sell photos, prints, videos and pdf's online through WordPress in seconds. Everything you need to sell your photography online.

== Description ==

Sell Media is finely tailored e-commerce solution for selling photos, prints, and videos through your self-hosted WordPress site. Photographers love it for it's flexibly gallery layouts and powerful extensions.

Using Sell Media, you can:

New in version 2.5: Gutenberg Blocks Insert galleries in many different formats using Sell Media blocks for Gutenberg!

= Resources =

= Theme Integration =

These WordPress themes were designed to enhance the functionality of Sell Media. Sell Media also works with any properly coded WordPress theme, however, some minor styling tweaks might be required.

Take Sell Media to the next level with these powerful extensions:

== Installation ==

= Server Requirements =

  1. PHP 8.1 or higher

  2. CURL PHP extension

  3. GD / ImageMagick PHP extension

  4. Original file uploads are protected automatically on Apache servers using .htaccess. If you are using an NGINX server, you'll need to add this to your sites configuration file: location ~ /wp-content/uploads/sell_media { rewrite / permanent; }

  5. Activate the plugin.

  6. Visit Sell Media -> Settings and configure the options.

  7. Insert the required Sell Media shortcodes onto your preferred Pages (see FAQ section).

  8. Visit Sell Media -> Add New and upload an image, video, audio file or pdf for sale.

= Configuration =

Visit the official plugin Documentation to learn how to setup and customize Sell Media.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Can I sell photo prints in addition to downloads? =

Yes, the Reprints extension allows you to sell prints, but you are responsible for fulfilling the order. Both you and the customer will receive an email when an order is placed.

= I have 5k+ photos I would like to sell, can Sell Media handle this? =

Sell Media is a plugin for WordPress and WordPress can easily handle hundreds or thousands of files. That said, the number of images that can be bulk uploaded at once is largely related to server performance. If you are using a cheap, shared web host, then you will need to contact them and ask them to change [PHP settings] (

= What are shortcodes and how do I use them? =

Shortcodes are small snippets of code that when added to a Post, Page or Widget add functionality to your site. You must add the following shortcodes to your preferred Pages to use Sell Media:

= How do I show my checkout cart? =

  1. Create a page called "Checkout" and add this shortcode to the page: [sell_media_checkout]
  2. Visit Sell Media -> Settings and select the Checkout page you created above to the "Checkout Page" option.

= How do I show an item available for sale? =

Visit the Sell Media -> Add Product page and configure the page options. Click Save. Then click the View Product link.

= How do I show a search form for Sell Media items? =

Create a Page called "Search Media" and add this shortcode to it: [sell_media_searchform]. A search form also shows up above archive pages for products.

= Can I sell image galleries? =

Yes and you have two options:

  1. Simply upload more than one image on the Sell Media -> Add New page. The price listed below is for each image in the gallery. In the near future, we will be releasing an extension for selling the entire gallery of images for one price.
  2. Assign each item to a specific Collection and the items will be displayed on that specific collection's archive page. You can then link to the collection like this: A list of collecitons also shows up on the Appearance -> Menus page so you can add them to any menu.

= How do I password protect an item? =

The Password Protection option is located in the Publish box when editing a Sell Media item. Click the Visibility - Public - Edit link, select Password Protected, type in a password and click Save.

= How do I password protect a collection? =

Click Sell Media -> Collections -> Click "Edit" next to the Collection you want to hide, fill in the "Password" click update.

= How do I hide a collection from being listed on archive pages? =

Click Sell Media -> Collections -> Add New and check the "Hide" option.

= Payments aren't showing up in Sell Media. Why? =

Please visit the Add Media -> Settings -> Payments page and double check all of your settings.

If you're still having issues, check these tips in the PayPal section.

= My file is 500MB+ in size but users cannot download the file after purchasing? =

Check with your hosting provide on your download limits. Sell Media does not provide any type of file splitting service.

= How do I increase the maximum upload size in WordPress? =

Depending on the web hosting company you choose and the package you select, each of you will see maximum file upload limit on your Media Uploader page in WordPress. For some it is as low as 2MB which is clearly not enough for large images or videos. You can increase this by doing one of the following:

  1. Theme Functions File - There are cases where we have seen that just by adding the following code in the theme function's file, you can increase the upload size:

    @ini_set( 'upload_max_size', '64M' ); @ini_set( 'post_max_size', '64M'); @ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '300' );

  2. Create or Edit an existing PHP.INI file - In most cases if you are on a shared host, you will not see a php.ini file in your directory. If you do not see one, then create a file called php.ini and upload it in the root folder. In that file add the following code:

    upload_max_filesize = 64M post_max_size = 64M max_execution_time = 300

  3. htaccess Method - Some people have tried using the htaccess method where by modifying the .htaccess file in the root directory, you can increase the maximum upload size in WordPress. Open or create the .htaccess file in the root folder and add the following code:

    php_value upload_max_filesize 64M php_value post_max_size 64M php_value max_execution_time 300 php_value max_input_time 300

Again, it is important that we emphasize that if you are on a shared hosting package, these techniques may not work. In that case, you would have to contact your web hosting provider to increase the limit for you.

= What are license types? =

The Sell Media plugin helps you to create and assign different licenses and prices for each image, video or audio file based on the anticipated usage of the media. For example: If a large company wants to purchase one of your images for a billboard, you should charge one price for commercial usage, charge another for editorial, and so on.

= Does the plugin work for a WordPress Network =


= My customer is receiving their confirmation email X many times? =

Please disable your plugins and see if you still have the issue. Some plugins (ones that alter access via IP) do not allow the IPN to function properly.

== Screenshots ==

  1. Quick View
  2. Single Item Template
  3. Archive
  4. Collection Archive
  5. Checkout
  6. Add New Item
  7. Filters - See Usage
  8. Optional Premium Extensions
  9. Optional Premium Themes

== Developers ==

= Actions = Example for adding a message above the cart: `function sell_media_above_cart_function() {

print '<p>This message will show up above the cart on the cart popup. You could include a copyright message or links to your terms of service.</p>';

} add_action( 'sell_media_above_cart', 'sell_media_above_cart_function' );`

Example for adding a message below the cart: `function sell_media_below_cart_function() {

print '<p>This message will show up below the cart on the cart popup. You could include a copyright message or links to your terms of service.</p>';

} add_action( 'sell_media_below_cart', 'sell_media_below_cart_function' );`

Action hooks available:

== Upgrade Notice ==

== Changelog ==

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