grattan / covid19.model.sa2

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Use of simulate_sa2 in chapter 4 #52

Closed wfmackey closed 4 years ago

wfmackey commented 4 years ago

Chapter 4 will explore the effect of changing policy settings. I'll use the model as it is now, with default epi settings outlined in chapter 3. Initial thoughts/notes on this:

  1. For some epi settings -- like supermarket attack rate -- maybe it'd be better to have a range of plausible values to include in each of the sims.

  2. This will also need default policy settings, or a set of small set of default policy settings, that are fixed for each of the sections. (ie have school and work status fixed when exploring the effect of opening supermarkets).

  3. Must have a uniform start date. Not sure when. Using today's status will be arbitrary when we publish in a couple of weeks. Easy to set it up to run the day of release? Or choose a more interesting time like late March.

  4. Should have uniform chart or set of charts over a wholecolumn that summarise the results for multiple runs. Time-series of active cases is good; probably better than new cases. Might also include a "final count" of hospital/ICU/deaths.

Do you have any thoughts on (1) or (2), @HughParsonage ?

wfmackey commented 4 years ago

@HughParsonage doing some preliminary local runs today for this. Should I use master branch or another?

HughParsonage commented 4 years ago

Use the master branch.